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    The content on this page is not current guidance and is only for the purposes of the consultation process.

    3 What we plan to do


    Surveillance of clinical evidence will continue, but it is anticipated that because the amount of data has reduced, the likelihood of triggers for review arising will to be lower.

    If the surveillance activity highlights new information that may trigger an update of the TA recommendations, this will be passed to the TA team to consider.

    Stakeholders may also submit new information to NICE, and should send information to, stating the guidance topic it relates to.

    The decision-making about whether to review the recommendation will then follow section 8 of the Health Technology Evaluation Manual. Section 8.4 of the Manual describes that NICE considers the surveillance review and determines if it should have a public consultation. A consultation will only take place when the review has identified significant uncertainty in the appropriate decision option. NICE expects that consultations will not be needed routinely.

    Update Process

    An update will be initiated when an invitation to participate is sent to stakeholders. NICE will aim to minimise the time between a review decision and starting the update process.


    As outlined in section 1, stakeholders expressed concerns that several steps had been omitted from the process. In particular stakeholders were keen to make submissions. NICE recognises the importance of stakeholder submissions so the revised process will allow stakeholders to make an evidence submission. NICE will give stakeholders 4 weeks to make a submission from invitation to participate.

    This is 4 weeks shorter than the usual time allowed for submissions. We will also shorten the external assessment group's (EAG) review to 4 weeks from 8 weeks. This includes a 1 week period for the EAG to seek clarification from the company.

    The only way to achieve these shorted submission time frames is for companies to agree to use the existing economic model from the original appraisal. If the company does not agree to this and wants to submit a new model, this will require a full review, with associated longer timelines.

    Stakeholder involvement

    Stakeholders were concerned with the proposal to have standing patient and clinical experts involved in the committee meetings. In addition it was noted that commissioning experts were not mentioned in the draft process statement. To address these points, stakeholders will be invited to nominate patient, clinical and commissioning experts when a review of the recommendation is initiated, in line with the usual process.

    Decision-making committee

    Stakeholders requested that the committee meeting is held in public to increase transparency. NICE recognises the importance of transparency, although public committee meetings require more notice to arrange and to facilitate. In addition, given the changes to expert involvement outlined above, topics will be considered at public meetings of the full standing technology appraisal committees, rather than by a subset of the committee.

    Consultation on draft guidance

    Stakeholders were concerned that the proposed consultation period of 1 week would not allow adequate time for them to respond. So we will revert to a 4 week consultation period when draft guidance is issued.

    Appeals and publication

    The appeal process and timelines will follow NICE's technology appraisal appeals process guide. Following resolution of any appeals, NICE publishes the final guidance. At this point, the 90 ‑day funding implementation period applies for commissioners. Requests to vary the funding requirement to take account of net budget impact will be considered in line with section 5.9 of the health technology evaluation manual.

    Overall summary

    Overall, because steps have been added back into the process (or lengthened) in response to stakeholder feedback, the process is now more similar to the technology appraisal review process, which follows the single technology appraisal process and timeline. Therefore, in order to increase clarity for all stakeholders, there will not be a separate process statement. Instead reviews will follow the health technology evaluation manual, with the exceptions of the shorter submission period and shorter evidence review stage (as outlined above) and no technical engagement. There will also be less time allocated to NICE internal teams to prepare materials for the committee and to draft the guidance documents.

    These changes will be clearly documented in the invitation to participate letter issued to stakeholders and must be accepted by the company to proceed. This will result in the following timeline, if a positive recommendation is made at the first committee meeting:



    Proposed process

    Standard process

    Week -4

    Surveillance trigger identified


    Week -3

    Surveillance review done

    Week -2

    Decision to update communicated

    Week -1

    Planning update into programme

    Week 0

    Issue Invitation to Participate

    Issue Invitation to Participate

    Week 1

    Week 2

    Week 3

    Week 4

    Stakeholder submissions

    Week 5

    Clarification step

    Week 6

    Week 7

    Week 8

    EAG critique due


    Week 9

    Week 10

    Week 11

    Clarification step

    Week 12

    Committee meeting

    week 13

    Preparation of guidance document

    Week 14

    week 15

    Positive recommendation: guidance issued for appeal (3 weeks)

    Week 16

    Week 17

    EAG report due

    Week 18

    Appeal period ends

    week 19

    Company Factual Accuracy Check

    week 20

    No appeals, final guidance

    Progression decision point meeting

    week 21

    Response to Factual Accuracy Check

    week 22

    week 23

    week 24

    week 25

    Pre-meeting briefing

    week 26

    week 27

    week 28

    Committee meeting

    week 29

    Preparation of guidance document

    week 30

    week 31

    Guidance executive meeting

    week 32

    Guidance issued for appeal (3 wks)

    week 33

    week 34

    week 35

    Appeal period ends

    week 36

    week 37

    week 38

    If no appeals, final guidance

    In addition, a company may propose to further expedite the timelines if it is happy for the review to proceed without a company submission and the need for consequent external academic review. Timelines are subject to NICE and EAG resource availability and capacity.

    Cost recovery

    Concerns were raised about the proposed cost-recovery charge and the inclusion of costs for the continuous surveillance process. As we now anticipate smaller data flows, this element can be removed from the charging.

    The applicable charge will be £106,200 for 2023/24 in line with the charge for a rapid review, if companies agree to use the existing model from the original appraisal (see above: 3. Submissions). If companies instead wish to submit new modelling the standard STA charge will apply - £151,700 for 2023/24.

    Because of the speed of potential reviews, it may not be possible to issue the charging invoice and receive payment before starting the rapid update. However, as part of the charging process the company will still need to provide NICE with a Unique Reference Number (URN) as their commitment to pay for the update. NICE reserves the right to not publish final guidance until payment in full has been received.