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    6 Diagnostics advisory committee members and NICE project team

    Committee members

    This topic was considered by the diagnostics advisory committee, which is a standing advisory committee of NICE.

    Committee members are asked to declare any interests in the test to be evaluated. If it is considered there is a conflict of interest, the member is excluded from participating further in that evaluation.

    The minutes of each committee meeting, which include the names of the members who attended and their declarations of interests, are posted on the NICE website.

    Additional specialist committee members took part in the discussions for this topic:

    Specialist committee members

    Samuele Cortese
    NIHR research professor and professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Southampton

    Chris Hollis
    Professor of child and adolescent psychiatry, University of Nottingham

    Nicole Horwitz
    Consultant neurodevelopmental paediatrician, Whittington Health NHS Trust

    Ulrich Muller-Sedgwick
    Academic psychiatrist, lead clinician and consultant psychiatrist, Barnet, Enfield & Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust and Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge

    Lucy Schofield
    Senior specialist practitioner, Adult ADHD & Autism Service, South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    Henry Shelford
    Specialist lay committee member, CEO ADHD UK

    Emily Simonoff
    Professor of child and adolescent psychiatry and head of department, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College London

    Mauline Vernon
    Specialist lay committee member

    NICE project team

    Each diagnostics evaluation is assigned to a team consisting of a technical analyst (who acts as the topic lead), a technical adviser and a project manager.

    Jessica Wilcock
    Topic lead

    Thomas Walker
    Technical adviser

    Toni Gasse
    Project manager