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    8 NICE prioritisation board

    The NICE prioritisation board has a decision-making role that drives forward NICE's strategic ambition to focus on what matters most and ensure that areas of greatest impact to the system are prioritised for guidance delivery.

    The NICE prioritisation board:

    • reviews and discusses topic briefs to decide which of these should be prioritised for guidance delivery

    • maintains a forward view of topics and a 'rolling plan' that it reviews and adjusts regularly, in response to changes in system need and demand

    • shares its decisions with NICE's guidance executive and publishes these on the NICE website to ensure visibility and to enable effective sharing of information with our stakeholders.

    We will share all topic briefs with the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and NHS England (NHSE) before each prioritisation board meeting. Feedback from DHSC and NHSE, if any, will be considered by the prioritisation board as part of their decision making, but the prioritisation board is independent of DHSC and NHSE, and these bodies are not represented on the board itself.

    NICE prioritisation board members reflect a collective view of their teams and directorates, not their personal view. Outputs from the horizon scanning and system intelligence functions will feed into the prioritisation board and produce regular reports to support prioritisation and the development of the annual forward view.

    See appendix 2 for the membership and terms of reference of the NICE prioritisation board.