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3 Committee discussion

The evaluation committee considered evidence submitted by pharma&, a review of this submission by the external assessment group (EAG), and responses from stakeholders. See the committee papers for full details of the evidence.

The condition

Details of condition


The patient expert explained that advanced ovarian, fallopian tube and peritoneal cancer (from now, described as ovarian cancer) has a substantial impact on quality life. Even when initial treatment is successful, people with advanced ovarian cancer often live with the anxiety of possible recurrence. Concerns include the toxicity and side effects from further rounds of chemotherapy when the cancer recurs. So, the time between treatments can be extremely difficult, and people with advanced ovarian cancer are concerned that treatment options will become exhausted as the cancer progresses. Statements submitted by the clinical and patient experts explained that there are high rates of recurrence after initial surgery and platinum-based chemotherapy. So, it is very important to offer a maintenance treatment after first-line treatment. The patient and clinical experts explained that rucaparib would give people another option for maintenance treatment after first-line treatment. This would allow healthcare professionals and people with the condition more choice if a treatment is not tolerated. The patient experts also explained that there are fewer treatment options for people with BRCA mutation-negative advanced ovarian cancer, particularly for people with HRD‑negative ovarian cancer. So, there is a particularly high unmet need in this group of people. The committee concluded that there is a high disease burden and need for new treatments for people with advanced ovarian cancer.

Positioning of rucaparib


The company noted in its submission that maintenance treatment with olaparib is well established in people with a BRCA mutation (see NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib for maintenance treatment of BRCA mutation-positive advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer after response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy). So, it focused its submission for rucaparib on 2 subgroups in which it thought there is greater clinical need:

  • people with BRCA mutation-negative advanced ovarian cancer that is HRD‑positive (also known as non-tBRCA with high loss of heterozygosity in the company submission) after complete or partial response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy

  • people with BRCA mutation-negative cancer that is HRD‑negative (also known as non-tBRCA with low loss of heterozygosity in the company submission) after complete or partial response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy.

    The company explained that people routinely have tests for HRD and BRCA mutation status in the NHS. The committee concluded that positioning rucaparib as a first-line maintenance treatment for people with BRCA mutation-negative advanced ovarian cancer that is HRD‑positive or -negative was appropriate.

Clinical management

Treatment pathway and comparators


The usual first-line treatment for advanced ovarian cancer is platinum-based chemotherapy, which may be combined with bevacizumab. After a response, first-line maintenance treatment with a poly ADP‑ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor or bevacizumab alone is offered. The choice of which maintenance treatment will be used in clinical practice largely depends on a person's genomic status and previous treatment with bevacizumab. These include:

Bevacizumab dose


The NICE scope for this evaluation included bevacizumab alone at the unlicensed dose of 7.5 mg/kg every 3 weeks as a comparator. This is because it is routinely funded for maintenance monotherapy treatment of advanced ovarian cancer (see the National Cancer Drugs Fund list, Blueteq form reference BEV10). The licensed dose of 15 mg/kg every 3 weeks is not routinely funded for maintenance monotherapy. But the company did not consider bevacizumab alone at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg to be a relevant comparator. It explained that, in NICE's technology appraisal guidance on bevacizumab in combination with paclitaxel and carboplatin for first-line treatment of advanced ovarian cancer, the appraisal committee was unable to consider bevacizumab at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg because the dose was unlicensed. It also noted that it had identified no recent studies assessing survival data for maintenance treatment with bevacizumab at the 7.5 mg/kg dose. So, the company included bevacizumab alone at a dose of 15 mg/kg as a comparator. Further justification from the company for using the 15 mg/kg dose is described in section 3.7. The EAG thought the 7.5 mg/kg dose to be the relevant comparator because it its clinical advisers had said that this is what is used in the NHS. The clinical experts at the committee meeting also confirmed that the 7.5 mg/kg dose is the one used in NHS clinical practice for maintenance monotherapy. The committee recalled section 6.2.4 of NICE's manual on health technology evaluations. This says a committee can consider as comparators technologies that do not have regulatory approval for the population defined in the scope when they are considered to be part of established clinical practice for the population in the NHS. The committee understood that bevacizumab at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg is unlicensed but is the dose used for maintenance monotherapy in clinical practice. So, it concluded bevacizumab alone at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg to be the relevant dose for this evaluation.

Previous bevacizumab


Maintenance treatment of bevacizumab alone is only available in the NHS after completion of first-line induction treatment with platinum-based chemotherapy plus bevacizumab (see section 3.3). Maintenance treatment with olaparib plus bevacizumab usually follows induction chemotherapy with bevacizumab. But the committee noted that it is also commissioned in about a third of people who have not had bevacizumab as part of induction chemotherapy. The EAG highlighted that only 17.8% of people in the ATHENA-MONO study had had induction treatment that included bevacizumab. Clinical advice to the EAG was that inclusion or exclusion of bevacizumab as part of induction treatment does not influence the clinical-effectiveness results in the maintenance setting. The clinical experts at the committee meeting agreed with this. They thought it was appropriate to combine data for people whose cancer had responded to induction treatment either with or without bevacizumab. The committee noted that a subgroup analysis for people who had previous bevacizumab would be based on a substantially reduced sample size from ATHENA-MONO. So, it concluded that combining data for people whose cancer had responded to induction treatment either with and without bevacizumab is appropriate for decision making.

Clinical effectiveness

Direct data sources


The clinical-effectiveness evidence for rucaparib came from ATHENA-MONO, a phase 3 double-blind randomised controlled trial. The trial included adults with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer that had responded to first-line platinum-doublet treatment. It provided direct evidence to compare rucaparib with placebo (the company used placebo data from ATHENA-MONO as a proxy for routine surveillance data). People in ATHENA-MONO were categorised into 4 randomisation stratification groups:

  • BRCA mutation-positive

  • BRCA mutation-negative and HRD‑positive

  • BRCA mutation-negative and HRD-negative

  • BRCA mutation-negative and HRD unknown.

    Among the people without BRCA mutation, 22.1% had HRD‑positive cancer and 44.2% had HRD‑negative cancer. A hierarchical step-down procedure was specified for the analysis of the endpoints from ATHENA-MONO. This meant that statistical significance could only be assessed for the intention-to-treat (ITT) and HRD (a preplanned subgroup) populations, and the progression free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) endpoints. At the 23 March 2022 data cut, there was a statistically significant benefit for rucaparib compared with placebo for PFS in the ITT population (hazard ratio [HR] 0.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.40 to 0.68). The results for PFS were nominally significant at the 5% significance level in the BRCA mutation-negative and HRD‑negative subgroup (HR 0.65, 95% CI 0.45 to 0.95). They favoured rucaparib over placebo in the BRCA mutation-negative and HRD‑positive subgroup (HR 0.58, 95% CI 0.33 to 1.01). There were no statistically significant differences between treatment arms for OS. But the results were immature at both the 23 March 2022 (HR 0.96, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.47, and 24.7% death events for the ITT population) and 9 March 2023 (HR 0.83, 95% CI 0.58 to 1.17, and 35.0% death events for the ITT population) data cutoffs. The committee concluded that the ATHENA-MONO study was appropriate for decision making. It also concluded that rucaparib showed clinical benefit for PFS compared with placebo in the relevant BRCA mutation-negative HRD-positive and BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative subgroups.

Indirect data sources


The clinical-effectiveness evidence for olaparib plus bevacizumab and for bevacizumab alone (represented by the placebo plus bevacizumab treatment arm) was from PAOLA‑1, a phase 3 double-blind randomised controlled trial. PAOLA‑1 included adults with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer that had responded to first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab. PAOLA‑1 used a bevacizumab dose of 15 mg/kg rather than the 7.5 mg/kg dose that is used in clinical practice for bevacizumab alone (see section 3.4). The company explained that no relevant evidence for the efficacy of bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg in the first-line maintenance treatment setting was identified. The EAG agreed that, given the lack of relevant evidence, it was not possible to include data for bevacizumab alone at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg in the indirect comparisons. Clinical advice to the EAG suggested that, although there was no direct evidence comparing the efficacy and safety of the 2 bevacizumab doses, there was likely to be little difference between them. So, the EAG thought that it was appropriate to use data for bevacizumab at a dose of 15 mg/kg as a proxy for the 7.5 mg/kg dose. But the company was concerned that the clinical equivalence of bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg to bevacizumab 15 mg/kg had not been formally established in the first-line maintenance treatment for advanced ovarian cancer setting. So, it thought the EAG's use of clinical efficacy for bevacizumab 15 mg/kg to inform a bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg comparison to be inappropriate. The clinical experts at the committee meeting agreed that the assumption of clinical equivalence between the 2 doses was difficult to definitively answer. But they noted that similar median PFS values were seen in ICON 7, which investigated the 7.5 mg/kg dose, and GOG‑0218, which investigated the 15 mg/kg dose. The clinical experts noted that there were likely differences between the populations in the ICON 7 and GOG‑0218 studies. But they thought that an assumption of clinical equivalence was broadly appropriate. The committee recalled that, in NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib with bevacizumab for maintenance treatment of advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer:

  • bevacizumab maintenance treatment at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg was accepted as a relevant comparator

  • the clinical evidence from PAOLA‑1 for the 15 mg/kg dose was thought to be the best available evidence.

    The committee concluded that using PAOLA‑1 clinical efficacy data for bevacizumab 15 mg/kg to inform the bevacizumab 7.5 mg/kg comparator was appropriate for decision making.

Indirect treatment comparisons


The company presented indirect treatment comparisons (ITC) for rucaparib compared with olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone. The company did unadjusted naive ITCs and unanchored matching adjusted indirect comparisons (MAICs) for PFS, OS and PFS second event (PFS2) outcomes in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup and the HRD‑negative plus HRD‑unknown subgroup. It was not possible to present ITCs and MAICs for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup. The EAG thought that the methods the company used to do the MAICs were generally appropriate. The company also did additional PFS MAICs that assumed piecewise hazard ratios. In the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup, both the unadjusted naive ITC and unanchored MAIC results for PFS favoured olaparib plus bevacizumab compared with rucaparib. For the comparisons of rucaparib compared with bevacizumab alone, the PFS results favoured rucaparib in both the BRCA mutation-negative HRD-positive and BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative or unknown subgroups. All OS results showed no statistically significant difference between rucaparib and olaparib plus bevacizumab or bevacizumab alone, with all reported hazard ratios being close to 1. The company thought that the MAICs did not meaningfully affect the survival curves for any of the endpoints and that the resulting adjustment of the hazard ratios was limited. The EAG thought that the MAIC results were more valid than the unadjusted naive ITC results. But it noted that the adjustments had little effect (the MAIC and ITC results were similar). It also thought that the results of the piecewise MAICs were likely to be more valid than the results from the base-case MAICs for the comparisons in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup. The committee noted that the ITCs were not used in the base-case analyses of the economic model, so they had no impact on decision making.

Evidence of long-term survivorship


The company noted that a slowing of the PFS hazards was seen at about 100 weeks in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive population in PAOLA‑1 for both the olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone treatment arms. The company also understood that a slowing of hazards was also seen in the PRIMA trial (that is, the study of niraparib maintenance treatment in newly diagnosed advanced ovarian cancer). It thought that this provided evidence of the long-term survivorship seen in advanced ovarian cancer populations that is amplified by PARP inhibitor therapy. The company noted that follow up in ATHENA-MONO ended at the time when slowing of the hazard was seen in the PRIMA and PAOLA‑1 trials. It recalled that PFS extrapolations produced from the final 2022 data cut of PAOLA‑1 showed a plateau, which had been less evident in the earlier 2019 data cut. A similar observation was made for PFS in PRIMA. The company recalled that the assumption that some people could be cured was accepted by the evaluation committee for NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib with bevacizumab for maintenance treatment of advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer. But the company acknowledged that the clinical-effectiveness evidence from ATHENA-MONO to support the long-term survivorship assumption for people having rucaparib was immature. The EAG acknowledged that there was precedent for PARP inhibitors to produce PFS curves that plateaued. But it was concerned that the PFS data from ATHENA-MONO did not yet show a slowing of the PFS hazards that would support the assumption of long-term survivorship for rucaparib. The EAG also noted that the proportions of people who experience long-term survivorship were uncertain for olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone. The clinical experts noted that they expected to see some people having rucaparib who would experience long-term remission in line with other PARP inhibitors. The committee accepted that long-term survivorship is seen in some people having treatment with PARP inhibitors for advanced ovarian cancer. The committee concluded that it was likely that a proportion of people having rucaparib would experience long-term survivorship. But it did not think that this was evident in the PFS or OS data from ATHENA-MONO.

Economic model

Company's modelling approach


The company presented a partitioned survival model with 4 health states to estimate the cost effectiveness of rucaparib in people with BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive or HRD‑negative advanced ovarian cancer. The 4 health states were progression free, first disease progression, second disease progression and death. In the model, data from the ATHENA-MONO study was used to inform the clinical parameters for rucaparib routine surveillance. PFS and time to treatment discontinuation were based on the 23 March 2022 data cut. OS and PFS2 were based on the 9 March 2023 data cut. The company used naive treatment comparisons of Kaplan–Meier curves, assuming that the imbalances across trials did not affect survival curves remarkably. The committee concluded that the model was appropriate for decision making.

Modelling PFS

PFS in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD-positive population

The company fitted standard parametric distributions to the PFS, PFS2, OS and time to treatment discontinuation endpoints in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD-positive subgroup. But it was concerned that the standard parametric distributions for olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone did not reflect the long-term survivorship seen in PFS (see section 3.9). So, the company modelled PFS using the respective PAOLA‑1 Kaplan–Meier curves for olaparib plus bevacizumab or bevacizumab alone. This was followed by a parametric distribution (log-logistic for olaparib plus bevacizumab and log-normal for bevacizumab alone). The company thought that using PFS parametric distributions based on the early dataset from ATHENA-MONO would bias the results against rucaparib. This was because there was not enough follow up or events to show the expected plateau indicative of a cure in ATHENA-MONO (see section 3.9). So, for rucaparib, PFS was modelled using the ATHENA-MONO Kaplan–Meier curve, followed by the hazard pattern from the longer follow up of PAOLA‑1 trial's olaparib plus bevacizumab arm to extrapolate. A standard log-normal parametric distribution was used for routine surveillance. The EAG was concerned about the lack of evidence to support an assumption of long-term survivorship for rucaparib (see section 3.9). So, it used standard parametric distributions, which do not rely on the long-term survivorship assumption, to extrapolate PFS for all treatments and subgroups in its preferred analyses. The EAG applied generalised gamma curves to model PFS for both rucaparib and olaparib plus bevacizumab in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup. It applied a log-logistic curve to model PFS for bevacizumab alone and agreed with the company to use a log-normal curve for routine surveillance. The EAG thought that its preferred PFS curves had a good visual fit to the ATHENA-MONO Kaplan–Meier curves but acknowledged its curve fits were not as good compared with the PAOLA‑1 data. The committee had some concerns about the company's approach to modelling PFS (see section 3.13 and section 3.14). It preferred the EAG's modelling of PFS for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive population.

PFS in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative population

The company used separately fitted log-normal distributions in its base-case analyses to model PFS for both rucaparib and routine surveillance in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup. The EAG noted that the company did not explain why the assumption of long-term survivorship was not applied for modelling PFS for rucaparib in this population. Similar to the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive population (see section 3.11), the company noted that the standard parametric curves for bevacizumab alone showed poor fit to the PAOLA‑1 data. So, it used the Kaplan–Meier curve followed by a parametric distribution to extrapolate PFS. The company selected the exponential distribution to model the tail of the curve for its base-case analyses, based on long-term plausibility and validated by clinical expert input. As described in section 3.11, the EAG had concerns with the assumption of long-term survivorship. It used standard parametric distributions to extrapolate PFS for all treatments and subgroups in its preferred analyses. In the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup, it applied a log-logistic curve to model PFS for bevacizumab alone. It agreed with the company about using log-normal curves to model rucaparib and routine surveillance. The committee noted that the company and EAG used the same approach to model PFS for rucaparib and routine surveillance for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative population. For the modelling of PFS for bevacizumab, the committee had some concerns with the company's approach (see section 3.13 and section 3.14) and preferred the EAG's approach.

Relationship between PFS, PFS2 and OS

The company checked the plausibility of the long-term extrapolations in its economic model. It explained that the expected PFS less than or equal to PFS2 less than or equal to OS relationship may not hold when standard parametric curves are used. It noted that PFS2 in particular was highly affected by data immaturity. So, to overcome the issue of crossing curves and to reflect the assumption of long-term survivorship (see section 3.9), the company constrained the OS and PFS2 extrapolation curves to not be lower than the PFS curve. Both the OS and PFS2 curves were assumed to follow the trajectory of PFS from the point of crossing. The company also constrained the PFS2 curve to not be higher than the OS curve. From the point of crossing, PFS2 was assumed to follow the trajectory of OS. The EAG was concerned that these constraints were activated relatively early in the company's model and resulted in clinically implausible PFS2 and OS estimates. It noted that the issue of crossing curves was because the assumption of long-term survivorship only applied to PFS, and not PFS2 or OS. This was because of the relative immaturity of those endpoints. The company clarified that, because the OS curve followed the trajectory of PFS, OS did take on the long-term survivorship assumption implicitly. The EAG was unable to introduce a long-term survivorship assumption directly into the extrapolation of PFS2 and OS. So, it removed the long-term survivorship assumption from PFS in its preferred modelling (see section 3.11 and section 3.12). The EAG acknowledged that the issue of crossing curves still remained in its approach to modelling PFS. But it said that that point of crossing was at a later time point. The committee agreed with the concerns highlighted by the EAG, and preferred the EAG's modelling approach.

Committee preferences for modelling PFS

The committee thought it likely that a proportion of people having rucaparib would experience long-term survivorship. But it recalled that this was not yet evident in the PFS or OS data from ATHENA-MONO (see section 3.9). It noted the EAG's concerns about the company's extrapolations and the resulting crossing of curves relatively early in the model (see section 3.13). So, the committee preferred to use the EAG's approach to modelling PFS with standard parametric curves for decision making.

Mortality hazards


The company used a log-normal distribution to model OS for rucaparib in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup. The EAG thought that the company's modelling approach produced implausible long-term OS hazards for rucaparib compared with olaparib plus bevacizumab that were not supported by clinical evidence. It noted that, when using the log-normal curve, the mortality hazards for people having rucaparib were higher than the mortality hazards for people having olaparib plus bevacizumab until 3 years. From 3 years onwards, the mortality hazards for people having rucaparib were lower than for people having olaparib plus bevacizumab. The EAG explained that the ATHENA-MONO Kaplan–Meier data for rucaparib OS showed that OS hazards from 3 years were possibly unreliable. This was because of substantial right censoring and low numbers at risk because of the timing of the data cut off. So, the EAG set rucaparib mortality hazards that were never lower than the mortality hazards for olaparib plus bevacizumab. The company acknowledged that there was uncertainty around the long-term hazard for survival in people having rucaparib. But it was concerned that the EAG's assumption was arbitrary and not supported by clinical evidence. In response to the factual accuracy check on the EAG's report, the company submitted observed OS data from ATHENA-MONO and PAOLA‑1. This data showed that the mortality hazard for rucaparib fell below that of olaparib plus bevacizumab from week 100. It also recalled that the PAOLA‑1 data showed acceleration of progression hazard and an increase in the OS hazard for olaparib plus bevacizumab after 96 weeks. The EAG thought that there was no statistical basis for concluding a difference in hazards between rucaparib and olaparib plus bevacizumab in the 98- to 148‑week interval. It recalled the substantial right censoring in the 148- to 198‑week interval. It also noted that there were no events from 198 weeks to trial data cut off that could be used to estimate a hazard. The clinical experts explained that the observed differences in mortality hazards may have been due to the differing toxicity between rucaparib and olaparib plus bevacizumab. They also noted that ATHENA-MONO included more people with a high risk for progression than PAOLA‑1. This could have influenced the higher mortality hazard seen for rucaparib earlier in the trial. The clinical experts thought that, all else being equal, there was no reason why the mortality hazards for rucaparib would be lower than for olaparib plus bevacizumab. The committee noted the EAG's concerns with the OS hazards for rucaparib and olaparib plus bevacizumab seen in the data from week 98. It thought that the evidence showing rucaparib mortality hazards falling below the mortality hazards of olaparib plus bevacizumab was not robust, so was uncertain. So, the committee concluded that the EAG's approach of setting rucaparib mortality hazards so that they were never lower than the mortality hazards for olaparib plus bevacizumab was appropriate.

Utility values

Source of utility values


Health-related quality-of-life data was collected from ATHENA-MONO using the EQ‑5D‑5L questionnaire. The data was mapped to EQ‑5D‑3L data using the algorithm reported by Hernández Alava et al. 2023 to give health-state utility values. The company considered the health-state utility values from ATHENA-MONO to be confidential, so they cannot be reported here. The utility values applied in the company's base-case analysis differed between the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive and the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroups. Clinical advice given to the EAG stated that it was unlikely that health-related quality of life would differ by subgroup. So, the EAG thought that it was more appropriate to populate the model using utility values derived from the ATHENA-MONO ITT population. The clinical experts at the committee meeting stated that the length of time on treatment and response rates varied across the 2 subgroups, which may affect overall quality of life. But the experts explained that there was no reason to expect a difference in the health-state utility values assigned to people in the 2 subgroups. The committee concluded that it had not been presented with substantial evidence that utility values would differ across the 2 subgroups. So, it concluded that it preferred to use the ATHENA-MONO ITT data to inform the utility values for both subgroups.


Induction treatment costs


The company noted that the cost of bevacizumab induction treatment was an unavoidable additional cost to the NHS associated with the treatment pathway of olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone maintenance treatment. It also recalled that the appraisal committee for NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib plus bevacizumab for maintenance treatment of advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer initially preferred to include the treatment cost of bevacizumab induction to the olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone treatment arms. The company recognised that the cost of bevacizumab induction was eventually removed from NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib with bevacizumab for maintenance treatment of advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer during the review of the new evidence collected as part of the managed access agreement. But it thought that this was likely to be because of the induction costs cancelling out across the treatment arms. So, the company included the cost of bevacizumab induction treatment as a one-off cost at the start of the economic model in both the olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone treatment arms. It assumed that 100% of people in these treatment arms incurred the cost of 6 cycles of bevacizumab. The EAG thought that it was inappropriate to include induction treatment costs in the economic model because the focus of this evaluation was maintenance treatment. Clinical advice to the EAG noted that people having rucaparib maintenance, if recommended, may also have bevacizumab as part of their induction treatment. The clinical experts at the committee meeting agreed with the EAG's clinical advisers. They explained that the decision about whether to use bevacizumab induction treatment in clinical practice is based on an assessment of need. It is not determined by the PARP inhibitor to be used. The committee noted that this was consistent with the evidence from the ATHENA-MONO trial in which 17.8% of people had bevacizumab induction treatment (see section 3.5). It also recalled that about a third of people who have olaparib plus bevacizumab in the NHS do not have bevacizumab induction chemotherapy. So, the committee thought that it was inappropriate to include induction costs only for the olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone treatment arms in the model. It preferred to remove the costs of induction treatment from the model.

Relative dose intensity


Constant relative dose intensity values were included by the company in the calculation of costs for rucaparib, olaparib plus bevacizumab, and bevacizumab alone. The company considered the relative dose intensity values for rucaparib from ATHENA-MONO to be confidential, so they cannot be reported here. The EAG noted that the rucaparib relative dose intensity in ATHENA-MONO varied over time. So, it thought that it was more appropriate to apply relative dose intensity on a cycle-by-cycle basis. But cycle-by-cycle data for relative dose intensity was not available from PAOLA‑1 for olaparib plus bevacizumab and bevacizumab alone. So, the EAG removed all relative dose intensity multipliers from its preferred analyses. The Cancer Drugs Fund clinical lead recalled that rucaparib had the same cost per pack regardless of the strength per tablet (see section 2.3). So, dose reductions are not expected to be associated with substantial cost savings if applied in practice. The committee preferred the EAG's approach to remove all relative dose intensity multipliers from the treatment cost calculations. It noted that this was also consistent with its preferred approach to assume no dose reductions in NICE's technology appraisal guidance on olaparib for maintenance treatment of BRCA mutation-positive advanced ovarian, fallopian tube or peritoneal cancer after response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy.

Cost-effectiveness estimates

Acceptable incremental cost-effectiveness ratio


NICE's manual on health technology evaluations notes that, above a most plausible incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of £20,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY) gained, judgements about the acceptability of a technology as an effective use of NHS resources will take into account the degree of certainty around the ICER. The committee will be more cautious about recommending a technology if it is less certain about the ICERs presented. But it will also take into account other aspects including uncaptured health benefits. The committee noted the following uncertainties:

  • OS data for rucaparib is immature (see section 3.6)

  • direct treatment comparisons were not available for rucaparib compared with olaparib plus bevacizumab or bevacizumab alone (see section 3.7)

  • appropriate clinical-effectiveness data was not available for bevacizumab at the relevant monotherapy maintenance dose of 7.5 mg/kg (see section 3.7)

  • evidence of long-term survivorship had not been seen in the ATHENA-MONO data for rucaparib (see section 3.9).

    The committee thought that the clinical effectiveness of rucaparib was likely to be similar to the clinical effectiveness of other PARP inhibitors used in the maintenance treatment of advanced ovarian cancer. It also thought that it had sufficient certainty in the likely long-term benefit of rucaparib as another PARP inhibitor in the treatment pathway. In addition, the committee thought that the uncertainty in the modelling of PFS was reflected in its preference for the EAG's more conservative approach (see section 3.14). So, the committee concluded that an acceptable ICER would be around £30,000 per QALY.

Committee preferred assumptions


The committee's preferred assumptions were:

  • modelling the bevacizumab alone comparator at a dose of 7.5 mg/kg (see section 3.4)

  • modelling PFS using the EAG's preferred standard parametric curves (see section 3.9, section 3.11 and section 3.12)

  • setting the mortality hazards for rucaparib so that they are never lower than the mortality hazards for olaparib plus bevacizumab (see section 3.15)

  • using health-state utility values based on the ITT population from ATHENA-MONO (see section 3.16)

  • excluding the cost of bevacizumab induction treatment (see section 3.17)

  • excluding relative dose intensity from treatment cost calculations (see section 3.18).

    The most likely ICERs cannot be reported here because of confidential commercial arrangements for rucaparib, olaparib, bevacizumab and subsequent treatments in the pathway. With the committee's preferred assumptions, most of the cost-effectiveness estimates for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup were within the range considered an acceptable use of NHS resources. The results for this subgroup also showed that rucaparib is less costly but less effective than olaparib plus bevacizumab. When the committee's preferred assumptions were incorporated for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup, the cost-effectiveness estimates were above the range normally considered a cost-effective use of NHS resources. The cost-effectiveness estimates compared with bevacizumab alone in particular were considerably above the range considered an acceptable use of NHS resources for this subgroup. So, the committee did not recommend rucaparib for routine use in the NHS in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative population.

Managed access

Recommendation with managed access


Having concluded that rucaparib could not be recommended for routine use for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup, the committee then considered whether it could be recommended with managed access. The committee considered whether a recommendation with managed access could be made:

  • The company's managed access proposal noted that the OS data from ATHENA-MONO was immature. It also noted that data cuts from the trial were event driven but it anticipated ATHENA-MONO to reach data maturity within 3 years. So NICE's managed access feasibility assessment concluded that clinical-effectiveness data could be collected within a reasonable timeframe and without undue burden on people having treatment or the NHS system.

  • The committee considered the uncertainties in the evidence (see section 3.19) and the key issues raised by the EAG. It noted that NICE's managed access feasibility assessment stated that key modelling uncertainties, including source of utility values (see section 3.16), inclusion of induction treatment costs (see section 3.17, and using relative dose intensity multipliers (see section 3.18) would not be resolved by further data collection. The committee thought that further data collection was likely to reduce the uncertainty in the assumption of long-term survivorship (see section 3.9) and modelling of PFS (see section  3.11 to 3.14). But the assumption of long-term survivorship was not included in the modelling for the comparison of rucaparib with routine surveillance in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup. The committee recalled that:

    • the company and EAG used the same log-normal parametric curves to model PFS for rucaparib and routine surveillance (see section 3.12)

    • bevacizumab monotherapy is used in a small proportion of people (see section 3.3)

    • routine surveillance is the only comparator for people with BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative ovarian cancer when bevacizumab is unsuitable.

So, the committee thought that the new evidence to be collected in the company's managed access proposal was unlikely to sufficiently support the case for recommendation.

  • The committee thought that rucaparib did not have plausible potential to be cost effective at the agreed price in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup (see section 3.20).

    The committee concluded that rucaparib did not meet the criteria to be considered for a recommendation with managed access for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup. So, it could not recommend rucaparib for use with managed access as an option for people with BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer after complete or partial response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy.



The committee considered whether NICE's duties under the equalities legislation required it to alter or to add to its recommendations. It noted that rucaparib is less effective than olaparib plus bevacizumab. It thought that people with BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive advanced ovarian cancer would need to be informed of this when considering treatment options. A patient organisation explained in its submission to NICE that some people with ovarian cancer (such as people with a learning disability or communication difficulties) may struggle to access treatments if they do not fully understand the treatment options and choices. The committee understood that this may include people who lack the capacity to:

  • understand the information provided by the healthcare professional

  • make an informed choice.

    The committee considered that people would not be disadvantaged by the recommendations, providing that healthcare professionals:

  • act in the interests of the people having treatment, in line with their usual responsibilities

  • tailor their explanation to each person's level of understanding

  • discuss the risks and benefits with the person's carers when applicable.

    The committee concluded that there was no need to alter or add to its recommendations.

Uncaptured benefits


The committee considered whether rucaparib was innovative. It did not identify additional benefits of rucaparib not captured in the economic modelling. So, the committee concluded that rucaparib was not innovative for treating advanced ovarian cancer after response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy.




The clinical-effectiveness evidence showed that rucaparib improved PFS compared with placebo in both the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive and BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative populations. Rucaparib is also likely to work as well as bevacizumab alone. But the results of the ITCs suggest that is not as effective as olaparib plus bevacizumab. The committee concluded that most of the cost-effectiveness estimates for the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive subgroup incorporating its preferred assumptions were within what NICE considers a cost-effective use of NHS resources. So, it recommended rucaparib for routine use for maintenance treatment of BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑positive advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer after response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy. But it noted that people should be made aware that the results for this subgroup showed that rucaparib is less costly but less effective than olaparib plus bevacizumab. The committee recognised the high clinical need in the BRCA mutation-negative HRD‑negative subgroup. But the cost-effectiveness estimates incorporating the committee's preferred assumptions for this subgroup were not within the range that NICE considers a cost-effective use of NHS resources. So, the committee did not recommend rucaparib for maintenance treatment of BRCA mutation-negative HRD-negative advanced high-grade epithelial ovarian, fallopian tube or primary peritoneal cancer after response to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy. Also, the committee thought that, for this population, rucaparib was unlikely to be cost effective and that the results of further data collection was unlikely to sufficiently support the case for recommending it. So, it did not recommend rucaparib in this population for managed access in the Cancer Drugs Fund.