Update information
Minor changes since publication
January 2025
We referenced new tools to support
the development of code lists,
planning and conducting of studies applying the target trial approach.
We added a new appendix on the conduct of qualitative research.
March 2024:
We added information about external validity bias to the section on risk of bias.
We added a passage describing approaches for sampling in new studies requiring primary data collection.
We added a new section on assessing external validity bias and adjusting for differences between the study sample and the target population.
July 2023:
We updated links to recent case studies in the section on use of real-world evidence in NICE guidance.
We added a link to the HARmonized Protocol Template to Enhance Reproducibility (HARPER) tool for protocol design in the section on conduct of quantitative real-world evidence studies.
We added clarifying information on:
searching for fit-for-purpose data in the section on conduct of quantitative real-world evidence studies
federated data networks and how they relate to common data models in the section on assessing data suitability
describing the uses of instrument-based approaches and quasi-experimental studies and a correction around measurement error for risk ratios and rate ratios in the section on methods for real-world studies of comparative effects.
We updated links to NICE Decision Support Unit reports.
We updated the link to the hospital episode statistics GDPR webpage in appendix 1.
We updated appendix 3 to provide additional information on reporting quasi-experimental studies.
We made minor changes to style and language throughout without changing the meaning.
ISBN: 978-1-4731-4640-2