Figures and tables to support chances of conception and embryo quality recommendations
Figures and tables to support chances of conception and embryo quality recommendations
Age category (years) | Pregnant after 1 year (12 cycles; %) | Pregnant after 2 years (24 cycles; %) |
19 to 26 |
92 |
98 |
27 to 29 |
87 |
95 |
30 to 34 |
86 |
94 |
35 to 39 |
82 |
90 |
Cumulative probability of conceiving a clinical pregnancy by the number of menstrual cycles attempting to conceive in different age categories (assuming vaginal intercourse occurs twice per week; reproduced with permission: Dunson DB, Baird DD, Colombo B [2004]. Increased infertility with age in men and women. Obstetrics and Gynecology 103: 51–6).
Woman's age (years) | ICI using thawed semen | ICI using thawed semen | Woman's age (years) | ICI using fresh semen (van Noord-Zaadstra, 1991) – 6 cycles | ICI using fresh semen (van Noord-Zaadstra, 1991) – 12 cycles | Woman's age (years) | IUI using thawed semen (HFEA data and personal communication) – 6 cycles | IUI using thawed semen (HFEA data and personal communication) – 12 cycles |
<30 |
50% |
70% |
<31 |
58% |
76% |
– |
– |
– |
30 to 34 |
43% |
62% |
31 to 35 |
50% |
71% |
<35 |
63% |
86% |
>34 |
33% |
54% |
>35 |
39% |
55% |
35 to 39 |
50% |
75% |
Cumulative probability of conceiving a clinical pregnancy by the number of cycles of insemination in different age categories and according to the method and sperm status where assisted reproduction technology is used (see the full guideline for full references).
Abbreviations: ICI, intracervical insemination; IUI, intrauterine insemination; HFEA, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
Figure 1 The effect of maternal age on the average rate of pregnancy
Calculated on the basis of studies in 10 different populations that did not use contraceptives (Heffner 2004, based on 2 reviews by Menken et al. 1986 and Anderson et al. 2000).
Figure 2 In vitro fertilisation (IVF) success in terms of live births per 100 embryo transfers
The vertical axis shows embryo transfers; the horizontal axis shows age of woman (based on all 52,996 embryo transfers using the woman's own eggs undertaken in the UK between 1 October 2007 and 30 June 2009; HFEA, personal communication; note: small numbers of women aged under 24 years in the HFEA database).
Abbreviations: HFEA, Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority.
Figure 3 UK NEQAS embryo morphology scheme
Abbreviations: NEQAS, National External Quality Assessment Service.