About this information

NICE guidelines provide advice on the care and support that should be offered to people who use health and care services.

This information explains the advice about assessment and treatment for people with fertility problems that is set out in NICE guideline CG156.

This is an update of advice on fertility that NICE produced in 2004.

Does this information apply to me?

Yes, if:

  • you have fertility problems (that is, you or your partner are having trouble getting pregnant)

  • you need particular treatment or help for you or your partner to get pregnant, including if:

    • you are in a same‑sex relationship and have not been able to conceive through donor insemination

    • you are unable (or find it very difficult) to have sexual intercourse, for example, because of a physical disability

    • you or your partner have a condition that means you need specific help to conceive (for example, a long‑term viral infection such as HIV, hepatitis B or hepatitis C that could be passed on through unprotected sexual intercourse)

  • you are preparing for cancer treatment that might affect your fertility and you wish to preserve your fertility.

  • Information Standard