Surveillance decision

Surveillance decision

We will not update the guideline on pregnancy and complex social factors.

Reasons for the decision

The recommendations in this guideline were largely based on consensus because of inadequate quantity and quality of evidence. The evidence base does not appear to have progressed enough to support an update of this guideline on service provision for women with complex social factors.

However, the topic experts drew our attention to a number of important issues where refreshing relevant areas of the guideline could improve its applicability and implementation. Topic experts and stakeholders identified a number of groups that are not explicitly covered by the guideline, we will stress that the populations listed in CG110 are exemplar populations and principles can be extrapolated to wider populations of women experiencing complex social factors. And as some of these populations are covered by other NICE guidelines, we will refresh and improve cross-references and linkages between CG110 and these other guidelines.

As the closely related guideline, antenatal care for uncomplicated pregnancies (CG62), is currently being updated, we plan to undertake another surveillance review of CG110 when the update of CG62 is published in July 2020.

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