Information for families and carers of people with GAD

Families and carers can play an important part in supporting a person with GAD. If a member of your family or someone you care for has GAD, their healthcare professional should ask them whether they would like you to be involved in their care. However, healthcare professionals should respect the privacy of the person with GAD if they would prefer to cope on their own.

If the person with GAD agrees to you being involved, you should be given information on GAD and how you can support them throughout treatment. You should also be given contact numbers of healthcare professionals and voluntary organisations, and information about what to do in a crisis.

As a family member or carer, you may need help and support yourself. Healthcare professionals should give you information about local family and carer support groups and other voluntary organisations, and help you to make contact with them.

Anyone with a caring role (that is, a person who provides regular and substantial care) has the right to a carer's assessment.

Questions families or carers could ask the healthcare team

  • Am I entitled to be told about the treatment the person with GAD is having?

  • What can I do to support the person?

  • Can you give me any information about specialist support for families and carers, such as helplines?