A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Stakeholder list updated
Surveillance consultation
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Committee list updated
Review documents
Addendum consultation
Committee meetings
Committee meeting
Original development on 01 September 2011
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Review documents
CG128 Autism in children and young people: surveillance review proposal information
CG128 Autism in children and young people: surveillance review proposal document (PDF 447 KB)
Autism in children and young people: list of stakeholders (PDF 39 KB)
CG128 Autism in children and young people: surveillance review decision (PDF 863 KB)
Other information
Autism in children and young people: pre publication check table with developers responses
Autism in children and young people: consultation table with developers responses
Autism in children and young people: consultation table with developers responses (PDF 2.42 MB)
Autism in children and young people: pre-publication check
Autism in children and young people: pre-publication check information
Autism in children and young people: full guideline (PDF 1.88 MB)
Autism in children and young people: full guideline appendices (PDF 3.56 MB)
Autism in children and young people: consultation table with developers responses (PDF 1.81 MB)
Autism in children and young people: guideline development and consultation
Autism in children and young people: guideline development and consultation
Autism in children and young people: guideline consultation information
Autism in children and young people: draft full guideline (PDF 1.76 MB)
Autism in children and young people: draft NICE guideline (PDF 308 KB)
Autism in children and young people: guideline appendices (PDF 4.46 MB)
Autism in children and young people: consultation comments form (MSWord 49 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG Members (PDF 17 KB)
Autism in children and young people: minutes of GDG meetings
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 11 October 2010 (PDF 28 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 14 September 2010 (PDF 29 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 12 and 13 July 2010 (PDF 35 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 8 June 2010 (PDF 42 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 27 April 2010 (PDF 34 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 9 March 2010 (PDF 33 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 26 January 2010 (PDF 37 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 1 December 2009 (PDF 942 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 20 October 2009 (PDF 22 KB)
Autism in children and young people: GDG minutes of 15 September 2009 (PDF 24 KB)
Autism in children and young people: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Autism in children and young people: scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Autism in children and young people: final scope (PDF 50 KB)
Autism in children and young people: scope comments table (PDF 630 KB)
Autism in children and young people: Stakeholder scoping workshop notes (PDF 25 KB)
Autism in children and young people: draft scope consultation information
Autism in children and young people: remit