A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Surveillance consultation
Stakeholder list updated
Surveillance consultation
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Committee list updated
Addendum consultation
Review questions document published
Original development on 01 June 2013
Stakeholder list updated
Familial breast cancer (update): Equality Impact Assessment form
Familial breast cancer (update): Equality Impact Assessment form (PDF 61 KB)
Familial breast cancer (update): guideline consultation comments with responses
Familial breast cancer (update): guideline consultation comments with responses (PDF 1.39 MB)
Scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Guideline development and consultation
Guideline development and consultation
Familial breast cancer (update): guideline consultation information
Familial breast cancer (update): evidence review and needs assessment
Familial breast cancer (update): full evidence review (PDF 9.37 MB)
Familial breast cancer (update): full evidence review reports for health economics (PDF 4.44 MB)
Familial breast cancer (update): needs assessment full report (PDF 1.32 MB)
Evidence review and needs assessment
Health economic plan, review questions and search strategies
GDG minutes