A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Surveillance consultation
Stakeholder list updated
Consultation comments published
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Addendum consultation
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Committee meetings
Committee meeting
Committee list updated
Review questions document published
Original development on 01 February 2009
Review documents
Breast cancer (advanced): review proposal consultation information
Breast cancer (advanced): consultation document (PDF 577 KB)
CG81 Advanced breast cancer: rapid update - scoping document (PDF 36 KB)
Background information
New NICE guidelines on the treatment and care of people with advanced breast cancer (PDF 33 KB)
Original development documents 2006 - 2009
Breast cancer (advanced): stakeholder comments and developer responses (PDF 831 KB)
Breast cancer (advanced): consultation on the draft guidance information
Breast cancer (advanced): list of Guidance Development Group members (PDF 11 KB)
Breast cancer (advanced): GDG minutes
Advanced breast cancer: GDG minutes 02 July 2008 (PDF 22 KB)
Advanced breast cancer: GDG minutes 11 April 2008 (PDF 25 KB)
Advanced breast cancer: GDG minutes 19 February 2008 (PDF 23 KB)
Advanced breast cancer: GDG minutes 22 November 2007 (PDF 22 KB)
Review decision: reviews of TA guidance 34, 54 & 62 information
Equality impact assessment
Addendum consultation comments
Advanced Breast Cancer: Addendum consultation
Final scope
ABC: Standing Committee Development
ABC: Standing Committee Development
Advanced Breast Cancer: Minutes for Standing Committee A Meeting 1 - 9 & 10 October 2013 (PDF 31 KB)
Advanced Breast Cancer: Minutes for Standing Committee A Meeting 2 - 15 January 2014 (PDF 88 KB)
Standing committee A - members
Topic expert committee members