Information for the public
About this information
NICE clinical guidelines advise the NHS on caring for people with specific conditions or diseases and the treatments they should receive. The information applies to people using the NHS in England and Wales.
This information explains the advice about collecting and storing donor breast milk in milk banks that is set out in NICE clinical guideline 93.
Does this information apply to me?
Yes, if you are woman who is donating breast milk or who would like to donate breast milk.
The advice in the NICE guideline covers how milk banks should recruit, screen and support women who donate breast milk; and how milk banks should handle and process the breast milk they receive from donors.
The advice in the NICE guideline does not specifically look at:
how donated breast milk is used after it leaves the milk bank
the care and treatment of babies who receive donated breast milk
how mothers should handle and store breast milk for their own babies.