
This guideline covers how healthcare services for people with skin cancers should be organised. It aims to improve diagnosis and care by recommending which healthcare professionals should be involved and at which stage.

Last reviewed: 23 May 2019

Although the cancer service structures have changed, stakeholders indicated that the guideline is still useful to clinical practice. In December 2020, we decided to retain but not update this guideline. See the review decision for more information.

Next review: This guideline will be reviewed if there is new evidence that is likely to change the recommendations.


This guideline recommends that:

  • cancer networks should establish 2 levels of multidisciplinary teams
  • people with precancerous lesions should be treated by their GP or referred
  • people who need specialist diagnosis should be referred to a doctor trained to diagnose skin cancer
  • skin cancer teams should work to agreed protocols, including those for high-risk or special groups
  • all patients and carers should have access to high-quality information
  • information should be collected and more research should be done

Who is it for?

  • Healthcare professionals
  • Commissioners and providers
  • People with skin cancer, their families and carers

Guideline development process

How we develop NICE guidelines

Related quality standards

Skin cancer