During the initial phase of this assessment, the external assessment group (EAG) identified no evidence meeting the inclusion criteria for the review for some of the conditions that were initially included in the scope and, therefore, did not include these conditions in the diagnostics assessment report (see appendix C). These conditions included lordosis, acquired kyphosis, neurofibromatosis, osteoporotic fracture and issues relating to hip and knee replacement for which full-body or full leg length images are currently requested. In some cases, these conditions can be sufficiently severe to cause significant disability. According to clinical experts, lordosis is very rare on its own and is almost always associated with scoliosis. Therefore, the inclusion of scoliosis should encompass patients with lordosis secondary to scoliosis. Acquired kyphosis and neurofibromatosis were excluded because of high variability in patient groups and the relatively small numbers of patients needing surgery. Osteoporotic fracture was not considered because clinical experts advised that it is only rarely associated with spinal deformity.