12 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

12 Sources of evidence considered by the Committee

The diagnostics assessment report was prepared by Warwick Evidence.

  • Freeman K, Connock M, Cummins E et al. Fluorouracil plasma monitoring: the My5‑FU assay for guiding dose adjustment in patients receiving fluorouracil chemotherapy by continuous infusion. A Diagnostic Assessment Report. June 2014.

Registered stakeholders

The following organisations accepted the invitation to participate in this assessment as registered stakeholders. They were invited to attend the scoping workshop and to comment on the diagnostics assessment report and the diagnostics consultation document.

Manufacturer(s) of technologies included in the final scope:

  • Saladax Biomedical Inc

Other commercial organisations:

  • ODPM – Onco Drug Personalised Medicine

Professional groups and patient/carer groups:

  • Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine

  • Bowel Cancer UK

  • Pancreatic Cancer UK

  • Royal College of Nursing

  • Royal College of Physicians

Research groups:


Associated guideline groups:



  • Department of Health

  • Healthcare Improvement Scotland

  • NHS England

  • Welsh Government