Base-case results
In the base-case adult primary care model, current practice dominated (that is, current practice was more effective and cheaper than the testing strategy) 2 tests: the Clearview Exact Strep A cassette and dipstick. The ICERs for the remaining 12 tests ranged from £1,353,677 to £6,059,081 per QALY gained, compared with current practice (see table 10). Costs and QALYs were multiplied by 1,000 because of the very small incremental QALYs.
The results of the base-case adult secondary care model were in line with the results of the adult primary care model, but the ICERs were much lower (see table 11).
In both models for children, current practice dominated 4 tests: the Clearview Exact Strep A cassette and dipstick, QuikRead Go Strep A test kit and Alere TestPack Plus Strep A cassette (see table 11). In the children's primary care model, the ICERs for the remaining 10 tests ranged from £1,762,306 to £7,893,857 per QALY gained, compared with current practice. In the children's secondary care model, the ICERs for the remaining 10 tests ranged from £65,122 to £5,723,279 per QALY gained, compared with current practice.
Notes: Cost-effectiveness analyses were not done for 7 tests that had no cost data (Bionexia Strep A plus cassette and Biosynex Strep A cassette had neither costs nor accuracy data available).
Mean costs, mean quality-adjusted life years, incremental costs and incremental quality-adjusted life years are per 1,000 individuals.
2, Clinical scoring based on Centor 3 or higher plus clinical assessment.
3, Based on the accuracy data presented in a conference abstract only.
4, Based on the accuracy data from the FDA or manufacturer's data.
5, Assumed equal accuracy to the cassette version of this test.
6, Rebranded to ID NOW Strep A 2.
7, Based on average selling price submitted by the company during consultation (based on volume-based discounts; without including apportioned analyser costs).
Notes: Cost-effectiveness analyses were not done for 7 tests that had no cost data (Bionexia Strep A plus cassette and Biosynex Strep A cassette had neither costs nor accuracy data available).
Figures are based per 1,000 individuals.
2, Clinical scoring based on Centor 3 or higher plus clinical assessment.
3, Based on the accuracy data presented in a conference abstract only.
4, Based on the accuracy data from the FDA or manufacturer's data.
5, Assumed equal accuracy to the cassette version of this test.
6, Rebranded to ID NOW Strep A 2.
7, Based on average selling price submitted by the company during consultation (based on volume-based discounts; without including apportioned analyser costs).