Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in March 2016, the appraisal of Axitinib, everolimus, sorafenib and sunitinib for treated advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma [ID897] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. As no further information has been received from the company the topic has been discontinued.
Status Discontinued
Technology type Medicine
Decision Selected
Process TA
ID number 897

Email enquiries


Companies sponsors Bayer (sorafenib)
  Novartis Pharmaceuticals (everolimus)
  Pfizer (axitinib and sunitinib)
Others Department of Health
  NHS England
  Welsh Government
Patient carer groups Kidney Cancer Support Network
Professional groups Association of Cancer Physicians
  Cancer Research UK
  Royal College of Nursing
  Royal College of Pathologists
  Royal College of Physicians
  Royal College of Radiologists
Associated public health groups None
Comparator companies None
General commentators Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety for Northern Ireland
  Healthcare Improvement Scotland
Relevant research groups National Cancer Research Institute


Key events during the development of the guidance:

Date Update
23 January 2023 Discontinued. Following on from information provided to NICE by the company in March 2016, the appraisal of Axitinib, everolimus, sorafenib and sunitinib for treated advanced or metastatic renal cell carcinoma [ID897] was suspended from NICE’s work programme. As no further information has been received from the company the topic has been discontinued.
31 March 2016 Suspended. Following a series of changes to the technologies due to be appraised, NICE considers there is limited value to the NHS in conducting an MTA of the remaining second line renal cell carcinoma therapies (axitinib, sorafenib and sunitinib). The Institute has decided to remove this appraisal from its current work programme.
09 February 2016 Invitation to participate
19 January 2016 Invitation to participate

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