Most case series used duration of operation as a measure and this varied according to the type of procedure undertaken and the number of vessels bypassed. In 45 consecutive patients undergoing TECAB, the mean operating time was 4 hours 12 minutes for single vessel surgery and 6 hours 18 minutes for multiple vessel surgery. In 35 patients, including 8 in whom the procedure was performed on the beating heart, the operating time ranged from 3 hours 30 minutes to 8 hours (mean 5 hours 47 minutes). In a further 37 patients (29 of whom had the beating heart procedure), the mean operating time for the early cases in the series was 4 hours 40 minutes, but this was reduced to 3 hours 6 minutes following the introduction of endoscopic stabilisation. The mean length of stay in an intensive care unit varied from 14 hours to 74 hours, and the mean total length of hospital stay ranged from 5.0 to 15.4 days. The upper limits for length of stay were following multiple vessel surgery. For more details, refer to the sources of evidence.