In one case series, biliary leakage occurred in 2% (4 out of 170) of patients undergoing RF‑assisted liver resection. One patient had a pulmonary embolus 2 weeks after surgery, but there were no postoperative bleeds, and no reoperations were required. In another case series, one of 42 patients (2%) developed biliary leakage from a hepaticojejunostomy soon after surgery, requiring intensive care and a blood transfusion. Another patient in the same case series developed a subphrenic abscess, and another developed a chest infection. In a third case series, significant intraoperative bleeding occurred in 1 of 8 patients being treated by RF‑assisted liver resection, which required pressure and repeat RF coagulation. One patient developed an abscess at the resection site, and one experienced worsening of heart failure symptoms. For more details, see the overview.