Information for the public

The condition

The condition

Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease, or GORD, is a common condition in which the stomach juices (including acid and sometimes bile) flow back up into the oesophagus (food pipe or gullet). This can cause symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain and nausea, and sometimes problems with swallowing and breathing. People with mild symptoms are advised to make lifestyle changes. If reflux persists, it can lead to damage to the lining of the oesophagus. Medication is often given to reduce the acid level in the stomach. If these don't work, or cause side effects, surgery or other procedures may be offered.

NICE has looked at using electrical stimulation of the lower oesophageal sphincter as another treatment option.

NHS Choices ( and NICE's information for the public about dyspepsia and GORD may be a good place to find out more.

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