The committee noted that the evidence for clinical benefit with reusable Episcissors‑60 is uncertain. Published evidence and the opinions of experts indicate that they are easy to use. But their impact on the incidence of obstetric anal sphincter injuries (OASI) after episiotomy is uncertain. The clinical experts explained that several factors make an injury more likely. The committee noted that some of the studies introduced reusable Episcissors‑60 at the same time as a care bundle of other measures of optimal care to reduce the risk of OASI. The evidence shows that when these studies are excluded from a pooled analysis, there was no difference in the incidence of OASI between women who had episiotomies using reusable Episcissors‑60 and standard scissors. Given this, as well as the low quality and heterogenous nature of the studies available, the committee concluded that the impact of reusable Episcissors‑60 alone on OASI rates could not be determined with certainty on the basis of the current evidence, and further research is needed.