Recommendations for research
Recommendations for research
The guideline committee has made the following recommendations for research.
Key recommendations for research
1 Cardiac assessment
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of cardiac assessment before transplantation?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on preparing for renal replacement therapy or conservative management – how to assess .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review F: how to assess people for renal replacement therapy.
2 Timing of pre-emptive transplant
What is the most clinical and cost-effective strategy for timing of pre-emptive transplantation?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on indications for starting renal replacement therapy .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review A: initiating renal replacement therapy.
3 Acute haemodialysis versus acute peritoneal dialysis
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of initial haemodialysis versus initial peritoneal dialysis for people who start dialysis in an unplanned way?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on choosing modalities of renal replacement therapy or conservative management .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review B: modalities of renal replacement therapy and evidence review C: sequencing modalities of renal replacement therapy.
4 Frequency of review
What is the most clinical and cost-effective frequency of review for people on peritoneal dialysis, haemodiafiltration, haemodialysis or conservative management?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on frequency of review .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review J: frequency of review.
5 Coordinating care
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of having keyworkers present in the context of renal replacement therapy (RRT)?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on coordinating care .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review M: coordinating care.
Other recommendations for research
6 Switching RRT modality
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of strategies for switching RRT modality?
7 Decision aids for RRT
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of using decision aids in the context of RRT?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research, see the rationale section on decision support interventions .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review L: decision support interventions.
8 Laparoscopic and percutaneous peritoneal dialysis access creation
What is the optimum timing of laparoscopic and percutaneous peritoneal dialysis access creation?
9 Conservative management
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of conservative management versus dialysis in frail, older people?
10 Home haemodiafiltration
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of home haemodiafiltration versus home haemodialysis, taking into account the impact of frequency?
11 haemodialysis/haemodiafiltration before peritoneal dialysis
What is the clinical and cost effectiveness of haemodialysis/haemodiafiltration before peritoneal dialysis versus peritoneal dialysis before haemodialysis/haemodiafiltration?
12 Listing for transplantation
What is the optimum timing of listing for transplantation?