Recommendations for research
The guideline committee has made the following recommendations for research.
Key recommendations for research
1 Age thresholds in cancer
Longitudinal studies should be carried out to identify and quantify factors in adults that are associated with development of specific cancers at a younger age than the norm. They should be designed to inform age thresholds in clinical guidance. The primary outcome should be likelihood ratios and positive predictive values for cancer occurring in younger age groups.
2 Primary care testing
Diagnostic accuracy studies of tests accessible to primary care should be carried out for a given cancer in symptomatic people. Priority areas for research should include tests for people with cough, non-visible haematuria, suspected prostate cancer, suspected pancreatic cancer, suspected cancer in childhood and young people and other suspected rare cancers. Outcomes of interest are the performance characteristics of the test, particularly sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values.
3 Cancers insufficiently researched in primary care
Observational studies of symptomatic primary care patients should be used to estimate the positive predictive value of different symptoms for specific cancers. Priority areas for research are those where the evidence base is currently insufficient and should include prostate cancer, pancreatic cancer, cancer in childhood and young people and other rare cancers. Outcomes of interest are positive predictive values and likelihood ratios for cancer.
4 Patient experience
Qualitative studies are needed to assess the key issues in patient experience and patient information needs in the cancer diagnostic pathway, particularly in the interval between first presentation to primary care and first appointment in secondary care. Outcomes of interest are patient satisfaction, quality of life and patient perception of the quality of care and information.
5 Prostate-specific antigen testing
What is the diagnostic accuracy of using age-adjusted and fixed prostate-specific antigen thresholds for people with symptoms of prostate cancer, including those at high risk of developing prostate cancer (such as those with an African family background or a family history of prostate cancer)?
For a short explanation of why the committee made the recommendation for research see the rationale section on prostate-specific antigen testing for prostate cancer .
Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in evidence review A: PSA testing for prostate cancer.