The clinical guideline on Suspected cancer: recognition and referral (NG12) has been checked by NICE for the need for update.  

This exceptional review considers the impact of faecal immunochemical tests research on NICE guidance (NICE guideline NG12 and NICE diagnostics guidance DG30 Quantitative faecal Immunochemical Tests to guide Referral for Colorectal Cancer in Primary Care.)

Registered stakeholders for the guideline are invited to comment on the provisional decision via this website. 

If you’re commenting for an organisation, your organisation needs to be registered as a stakeholder.

Not eligible? Contact the registered stakeholder organisation that most closely represents your interests and pass your comments to them.

We can accept comments from individuals. These will be considered, but you won’t get a formal response and they won’t be posted on the NICE website. Wherever possible we encourage you to submit your comments through a registered stakeholder organisation.

Note that the provisional review decision presented here does not constitute NICE's formal decision on this guideline. The decision is provisional and may change after consultation.

How to submit your response:

This consultation is using our new online commenting software. This means that we are not accepting responses on a Word form sent by email.

To leave a response you must sign into your NICE account. If you don’t already have a NICE account, you can create one.

Once you’ve signed in, you can see the questions we want you to answer by clicking on the ‘Open questions’ tab. You can then leave your responses by typing into the comment boxes. You must save each response by clicking the ‘Save answer’ button under the comment box. If you want to edit your answer, you can just type straight into the box.

Once you’ve saved all your answers, you should review them before submitting your response. There is a link to the review page at the top of the questions panel. When you’re happy with your answers, answer the questions at the bottom of the review page and click the ‘Submit my response’ button.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

All responses must be submitted by 5pm on Tuesday 24th May 2022

NICE is unable to accept:

  • Comments from non-registered organisations – if you wish your comments to be considered please register via the NICE website
  • Comments received after the consultation deadline (5pm)
  • More than one response per stakeholder organisation
  • Confidential information or other material that you would not wish to be made public
  • Personal medical information about yourself or another person from which your or the person’s identity could be ascertained.

What will happen to your comments?

  • Comments will be sent to the review team at the end of the consultation for their consideration
  • No action will be taken upon receipt of comments from non-registered organisations and late comments.

Anticipated review decision publication date: July 2022

Further information:

This page was last updated: