4 Planning care

4 Planning care

These recommendations are for healthcare professionals caring for people with ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 or post-COVID-19 syndrome who have been assessed in primary care or a multidisciplinary assessment service.


After the holistic assessment, discuss with the person (and their family or carers, if appropriate) the options available and what each involves. These should include:

  • advice on self-management, with the option of supported self‑management (see section 5.1 on self-management and supported self-management) and

  • 1 or more of the following, depending on clinical need and local pathways:

    • support from integrated and coordinated primary care, community, rehabilitation and mental health services

    • referral to an integrated multidisciplinary assessment service

    • referral to specialist care for specific complications. [2020, amended 2021]


Use shared decision making to agree what support and rehabilitation the person needs, including how and when it should be provided. [2021]


When discussing with the person the appropriate level of support and management:

For a short explanation of why the panel made these recommendations, see the .

Full details of the evidence and the panel's discussion are in: