Recommendations for research
Key recommendations for research
1 Interventions for post-COVID-19 syndrome
What are the most clinically effective interventions (including social prescribing and structured community support) for managing post‑COVID‑19 syndrome? [2020]
Does effectiveness vary for different population groups (for example, sex, age, socioeconomic group, black, Asian and minority ethnic group communities or people with a learning disability)? [2020]
Do any symptoms of post‑COVID‑19 syndrome predict the need for specialist intervention? [2020]
Are there clusters of symptoms that identify response to interventions in post‑COVID‑19 syndrome? [2020]
What is the clinical effectiveness of different service models of multimodality or multidisciplinary post‑COVID‑19 syndrome rehabilitation in improving patient‑reported outcomes (such as quality of life)? [2020]
What is the clinical effectiveness of exercise interventions for people with post‑COVID‑19 syndrome? Does effectiveness vary for different population groups (for example, sex, age, socioeconomic group, black, Asian and minority ethnic group communities or people with a learning disability)? [2020]
Does early exercise rehabilitation assist in improving symptoms of post‑COVID‑19 syndrome? [2020]
2 Prevalence of post-COVID-19 syndrome
What is the prevalence and incidence of post-COVID-19 syndrome in people who have received single, double or boosted doses of the approved vaccinations in the UK? Does this vary across different population groups (for example in black, Asian and minority ethnic group communities)? [2021]
Other recommendations for research
3 Prognostic markers of developing post-COVID-19 syndrome
What is the clinical effectiveness of D-dimer and other blood tests and clinical features as prognostic markers of developing post‑COVID‑19 syndrome? [2020]
4 Presentation of post-COVID-19 syndrome in children, young people, pregnant women and older people
What symptoms do children, young people, pregnant women and older people with suspected post‑COVID‑19 syndrome present with? [2020]
5 Clinical course of post-COVID-19 syndrome
What is the natural history of post-COVID-19 syndrome? [2020]
What pathophysiological mechanism(s) underlie the most common presentations of post-COVID-19 syndrome? For example, generalised fatigue, breathlessness and 'brain fog'? [2021]
6 Validated tools for screening for post-COVID-19 syndrome
Develop and validate new and existing screening tools (including physical, psychological and psychiatric aspects) for post-COVID-19 syndrome in a UK population. [2020]
What tools are validated for screening for post‑COVID‑19 syndrome, which are the most accurate at identifying post‑COVID‑19 syndrome in a UK population and what is their effectiveness in guiding management? [2020]