Surveillance report
Review and download supporting evidence. Includes the full guideline if available.
Supporting evidence
2021 exceptional surveillance of chronic kidney disease (NICE guideline NG203)
Full guidance
Full guideline – 2015 (Anaemia management in CKD) (PDF 4.33 MB)
Full guideline – 2013 (Hyperphosphataemia in CKD) (PDF 1.6 MB)
Evidence review
D: Children and young people who should be tested for CKD (PDF 922 KB)
G: Optimal blood pressure targets for adults, children and young people with CKD (PDF 2.2 MB)
I: eGFR threshold for the investigation of anaemia due to chronic kidney disease (PDF 1.83 MB)
J: Aspirational haemoglobin target range for children and young people with CKD (PDF 972 KB)
K: Managing anaemia with IV iron in people with GFR category G5 who are on dialysis (PDF 2.33 MB)
M: Cystatin C based equations to estimate GFR in adults, children and young people (PDF 1.39 MB)