
People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care.

Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding.

1.1 Diagnosis

Symptoms and signs


Test the urine of babies, children and young people who have symptoms and signs that increase the likelihood that a urinary tract infection (UTI) is present (see table 1 and the explanation of how to use the table beneath it). [2022]


Consider testing the urine of babies, children and young people if they are unwell and there is a suspicion of a UTI but none of the signs or symptoms listed in table 1 are present. [2022]


Do not routinely test the urine of babies, children and young people 3 months and over who have symptoms and signs that suggest an infection other than a UTI. If they remain unwell and there is diagnostic uncertainty, consider urine testing. [2022]

Table 1 Symptoms and signs that increase or decrease the likelihood that a UTI is present
Symptoms and signs that increase the likelihood that a urinary tract infection (UTI) is present Symptoms and signs that decrease the likelihood that a UTI is present
  • Painful urination (dysuria)

  • More frequent urination

  • New bedwetting

  • Foul smelling (malodorous) urine

  • Darker urine

  • Cloudy urine

  • Frank haematuria (visible blood in urine)

  • Reduced fluid intake

  • Fever

  • Shivering

  • Abdominal pain

  • Loin tenderness or suprapubic tenderness

  • Capillary refill longer than 3 seconds

  • Previous history of confirmed urinary tract infection

  • Absence of painful urination (dysuria)

  • Nappy rash

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Abnormal chest sounds

  • Abnormal ear examination

  • Fever with known alternative cause

When using the table, be aware that:

  • The symptoms and signs in this table should be used to inform a decision about whether urine collection and testing is necessary.

  • It is not an exhaustive list of symptoms or signs and should be used as a guide alongside clinical judgement.

  • The presence or absence of a single symptom or sign in isolation in either column should not necessarily be used to decide whether or not to test for UTI.

  • Multiple symptoms and signs will probably increase the likelihood that there is a UTI.

  • It may be useful to consider alternative diagnoses where the symptoms and signs decrease the likelihood that a UTI is present.


Avoid delay when collecting and testing the urine sample. If the sample cannot be collected at the consultation, advise the parents or carers (as appropriate) to collect and return the urine sample as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours. [2022]

See the sections on urine collection, preservation and testing.


If a baby of up to and including 28 days corrected gestational age has suspected or confirmed bacterial infection, assess and manage their condition in line with the NICE guideline on neonatal infection: antibiotics for prevention and treatment. For early-onset neonatal infection, see the section on assessing and managing the risk of early-onset neonatal infection after birth, and for late-onset neonatal infection, see the section on risk factors for and clinical indicators of possible late-onset neonatal infection in the NICE guideline on neonatal infection: antibiotics for prevention and treatment. [2022]

For guidance on when to consider sexual abuse, see recommendation 1.1.21 in the NICE guideline on child maltreatment.

For a short explanation of why the committee made these recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the .

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion for the 2017 recommendation are in evidence review A: urinary tract infection diagnosis in infants and children under 3 months and 3 months to 3 years.

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion for the 2022 recommendations are in evidence review B: symptoms and signs.

Assessment of risk of serious illness

Urine collection


Babies and children with a high risk of serious illness should have a urine sample taken, but treatment should not be delayed if a urine sample cannot be obtained. [2007]


Use a clean catch method for urine collection wherever possible. [2007]


If a clean catch urine sample is not possible, use other non-invasive methods such as urine collection pads. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions when using urine collection pads. [2007]


Do not use cotton wool balls, gauze or sanitary towels to collect urine from babies and children. [2007]


Use catheter samples or suprapubic aspiration (SPA) when it is not possible or practical to collect urine by non-invasive methods. Use ultrasound guidance to confirm that there is urine in the bladder before SPA. [2007]

Urine preservation


Immediately refrigerate or use boric acid to preserve urine samples that are to be cultured but cannot be cultured within 4 hours of collection. [2007]


Follow the manufacturer's instructions when using boric acid to ensure the correct specimen volume and avoid potential toxicity against bacteria in the specimen. [2007]

Urine testing


Use dipstick testing for babies and children between 3 months and 3 years with suspected UTI, and:

  • if both leukocyte esterase and nitrite are negative:

    • do not give antibiotics

    • do not send a urine sample for microscopy and culture unless at least 1 of the criteria in recommendation 1.1.21 apply.

  • if leukocyte esterase or nitrite, or both are positive:

    • send the urine sample for culture

    • give antibiotics. [2017]

Table 2 Urine dipstick testing strategies for children 3 years or older
Urine dipstick test result Strategy

Leukocyte esterase and nitrite are both positive

Assume the child has a urinary tract infection (UTI) and give them antibiotics. If the child has a high or intermediate risk of serious illness or a history of previous UTI, send a urine sample for culture.

Leukocyte esterase is negative and nitrite is positive

Give the child antibiotics if the urine test was carried out on a fresh urine sample. Send a urine sample for culture. Subsequent management will depend on the result of urine culture.

Leukocyte esterase is positive and nitrite is negative

Send a urine sample for microscopy and culture. Do not give the child antibiotics unless there is good clinical evidence of a UTI (for example, obvious urinary symptoms). A positive leukocyte esterase result may indicate an infection outside the urinary tract that may need to be managed differently.

Leukocyte esterase and nitrite are both negative

Assume the child does not have a UTI. Do not give the child antibiotics for a UTI or send a urine sample for culture. Explore other possible causes of the child's illness.

Dipstick testing for leukocyte esterase and nitrite is diagnostically as useful as microscopy and culture, and can safely be used.


Send urine samples for culture if a baby or child:

For a short explanation of why the committee made the 2017 recommendations and how they might affect practice, see the .

Full details of the evidence and the committee's discussion are in the evidence review A: urinary tract infection diagnosis in infants and children under 3 months and 3 months to 3 years.


Interpret microscopy results as shown in table 3. [2007]


Use clinical criteria for decision making if a urine test does not support findings, because in a small number of cases, this may be the result of a false negative. [2007]

Table 3 Interpreting microscopy results
Microscopy results Interpretation

Pyuria and bacteriuria are both positive

Assume the baby or child has a urinary tract infection (UTI)

Pyuria is positive and bacteriuria is negative

Start antibiotic treatment if the baby or child has symptoms or signs of a UTI

Pyuria is negative and bacteriuria is positive

Assume the baby or child has a UTI

Pyuria and bacteriuria are both negative

Assume the baby or child does not have a UTI

History and examination of confirmed UTI


Record the following risk factors for UTI and serious underlying pathology:

  • poor urine flow

  • history suggesting previous UTI or confirmed previous UTI

  • recurrent fever of uncertain origin

  • antenatally diagnosed renal abnormality

  • family history of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) or renal disease

  • constipation

  • dysfunctional voiding

  • enlarged bladder

  • abdominal mass

  • evidence of spinal lesion

  • poor growth

  • high blood pressure. [2007]

Clinical differentiation between acute upper UTI and lower UTI


Assume a diagnosis of acute upper UTI in babies or children who have either:

  • bacteriuria and fever of 38°C or higher or

  • bacteriuria, fever lower than 38°C and loin pain or tenderness. [2007]


Assume that babies and children who have bacteriuria but no systemic symptoms or signs have lower UTI (cystitis). [2007]

Laboratory tests for localising UTI


Do not use C-reactive protein alone to differentiate acute upper UTI from lower UTI in babies and children. [2007]

1.2 Acute management

Note that the antibiotic requirements for babies and children with conditions that are outside the scope of this guideline (for example, babies and children already known to have significant pre-existing uropathies) have not been addressed and may be different from those given here.


Immediately refer babies under 3 months with a suspected UTI to a paediatric specialist. [2007]


Consider referring babies and children over 3 months with upper UTI to a paediatric specialist. [2007]


Do not use antibiotics to treat asymptomatic bacteriuria in babies and children. [2007]


Laboratories should monitor patterns of urinary pathogen resistance and make this information routinely available to prescribers. [2007]

Preventing recurrence


Manage dysfunctional elimination syndromes and constipation in babies and children who have had a UTI. [2007]


Encourage children who have had a UTI to drink enough water to avoid dehydration. [2007]


Ensure that children who have had a UTI have access to clean toilets when needed and do not have to delay voiding unnecessarily. [2007]

Prophylactic antibiotics


Do not routinely give prophylactic antibiotics to babies and children following first-time UTI. [2007]


Do not give prophylactic antibiotics to babies and children with asymptomatic bacteriuria. [2007]

Imaging tests for localising UTI


Do not routinely use imaging to localise UTI. [2007]


In rare instances when it is clinically important to confirm or exclude acute upper UTI, use either:

  • power doppler ultrasound or

  • a dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) scintigraphy scan if power doppler ultrasound is not available or the diagnosis has not been confirmed. [2007]

1.3 Imaging tests


Send babies and children with atypical UTI (see box 1) for a urinary tract ultrasound during the acute infection, to identify structural abnormalities such as obstruction and to ensure prompt management, as outlined in tables 4, 5 and 6. [2007]


Send babies younger than 6 months with first-time UTI that responds to treatment for ultrasound within 6 weeks of the UTI, as outlined in table 4. [2007]

Box 1 Definitions of atypical and recurrent urinary tract infection (UTI)

Atypical UTI includes:

Recurrent UTI:

  • Two or more episodes of UTI with acute upper UTI (acute pyelonephritis), or

  • One episode of UTI with acute upper UTI plus 1 or more episodes of UTI with lower UTI (cystitis), or

  • Three or more episodes of UTI with lower UTI


Do not routinely send babies and children over 6 months with first-time UTI who respond to treatment for an ultrasound, unless they have atypical UTI as outlined in tables 5 and 6. [2007]


Babies and children who have had a lower UTI should be sent for ultrasound (within 6 weeks) only if they:

  • are younger than 6 months or

  • have had recurrent infections. [2007]


Use a DMSA scan 4 to 6 months after the acute infection to detect renal parenchymal defects in babies and children, as outlined in tables 4, 5 and 6. [2007]


If the baby or child has a subsequent UTI while waiting for a DMSA scan, review the timing of the scan and consider doing it sooner. [2007]


Do not routinely use imaging to identify VUR in babies and children who have had a UTI, except in specific circumstances as outlined in tables 4, 5 and 6. [2007]


When a micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) is done, give prophylactic antibiotics orally for 3 days with the MCUG on the second day. [2007]


Send babies and children who have had a UTI for imaging, as outlined in tables 4, 5 and 6. [2007]

Table 4 Recommended imaging schedule for babies younger than 6 months
Test Responds well to treatment within 48 hours Atypical urinary tract infection Recurrent urinary tract infection

Ultrasound during the acute infection




Ultrasound within 6 weeks


If abnormal consider micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG)



Dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy scan 4 to 6 months after the acute infection




Micturating cystourethrogram




See box 1 for definitions of atypical and recurrent urinary tract infection.

In a baby with a non-E. coli urinary tract infection that is responding well to antibiotics and has no other features of atypical infection, a non-urgent ultrasound can be requested, to happen within 6 weeks.

Table 5 Recommended imaging schedule for babies and children between 6 months to under 3 years
Test Responds well to treatment within 48 hours Atypical urinary tract infection Recurrent urinary tract infection

Ultrasound during the acute infection




Ultrasound within 6 weeks




Dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy scan 4 to 6 months after the acute infection




Micturating cystourethrogram




See box 1 for definitions of atypical and recurrent urinary tract infection.

While MCUG should not be performed routinely it should be considered if the following features are present:

  • dilatation on ultrasound

  • poor urine flow

  • non-E. coli-infection

  • family history of VUR.

In babies and children with a non-E. coli urinary tract infection that is responding well to antibiotics and has no other features of atypical infection, a non-urgent ultrasound can be requested, to happen within 6 weeks.

Table 6 Recommended imaging schedule for children 3 years or older
Test Responds well to treatment within 48 hours Atypical urinary tract infection Recurrent urinary tract infection

Ultrasound during the acute infection




Ultrasound within 6 weeks




Dimercaptosuccinic acid scintigraphy scan 4 to 6 months after the acute infection




Micturating cystourethrogram




See box 1 for definitions of atypical and recurrent urinary tract infection.

Ultrasound in toilet-trained children should be performed with a full bladder with an estimate of bladder volume before and after urination.

In a child with a non-E. coli urinary tract infection that is responding well to antibiotics and has no other features of atypical infection, a non-urgent ultrasound can be requested, to happen within 6 weeks.

1.4 Surgical intervention


Do not routinely use surgery for management of VUR. [2007]

1.5 Follow up


Do not routinely follow up babies and children who have not had imaging investigations. [2007]


Discuss and agree with parents, carers or the young person (as appropriate) how the results of imaging will be communicated. [2007]


Do not routinely offer follow-up outpatient appointments when the results of investigations are normal. [2007]


Give parents or carers the results of all investigations in writing. [2007]


Refer babies and children who have recurrent UTI or abnormal imaging results for assessment by a paediatric specialist. [2007]


When assessing babies and children with renal parenchymal defects, include height, weight, blood pressure and routine testing for proteinuria. [2007]


Do not offer long-term follow up to babies and children with minor, unilateral renal parenchymal defects, unless they have recurrent UTI, family history or lifestyle risk factors for hypertension. [2007]


Babies and children who have bilateral renal abnormalities, impaired kidney function, raised blood pressure or proteinuria should have monitoring and appropriate management by a paediatric nephrologist to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease. [2007]


Do not routinely retest babies' and children's urine for infection if they are asymptomatic after an episode of UTI. [2007]


Do not follow up babies and children based only on the presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria. [2007]

1.6 Information and advice


Healthcare professionals should ensure that when a child or young person has a suspected UTI, they and their parents or carers (as appropriate) are told about the need for treatment, the importance of completing any course of treatment and given advice about prevention and long-term management. [2007]


Ensure that children and young people, and their parents or carers (as appropriate), know that UTIs can recur and that it is important to remain vigilant and to seek prompt treatment for any suspected reinfection. [2007]


Offer children and young people, and their parents or carers (as appropriate) advice and information on:

  • prompt recognition of symptoms

  • urine collection, storage and testing

  • treatment options

  • prevention

  • the nature of and reason for any urinary tract investigation

  • prognosis

  • reasons and arrangements for long-term management if required. [2007]

Terms used in this guideline


Bacteria in the urine with or without UTI.


Elevation of body temperature above the normal daily variation unless otherwise specified in a particular recommendation.


White cells in the urine.