A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Draft guidance consultation
Committee meetings
Committee meeting
Update on 31 March 2022
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Draft guidance consultation
Scope published
Pre-consultation documents released
Update on 15 February 2022
Stakeholder list updated
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Draft guidance consultation
Supporting documentation - patient decision aid (PDF 176 KB)
Supporting documentation - HbA1c visual analogue scale (PDF 133 KB)
Scope published
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meeting
Update on 24 November 2021
Declaration of interests
Guidance published
Stakeholder list updated
Draft guidance consultation
Update on 06 March 2018
Stakeholder list updated
Surveillance consultation
Review questions document published
Standing committee allocated
Committee meeting: 1
Committee meeting: 2
Original development on 02 December 2015
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Consultation comments published
Equality impact assessment (consultation)
Equality impact assessment (scoping)
Guideline consultation 2
First consultation comments table with responses (PDF 5.35 MB)
Guideline consultation
Draft guideline appendices
Health economic plan, review questions and search strategies
Health economic plan, review questions and search strategies
Stakeholder list and how to register
Guideline development and consultation
Guideline development and consultation
GDG minutes
Scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Scoping workshop, consultation and final scope
Joint diabetes guidelines: draft scopes consultation information
Type 1 Diabetes (update): list of registered stakeholders (PDF 136 KB)
Diabetes in pregnancy (update): list of registered stakeholders (PDF 101 KB)
Diabetes in children and young people: list of registered stakeholders (PDF 129 KB)