Update information
July 2019: We linked to the new MHRA safety advice on prescribing gabapentin. Because of a risk of abuse and dependence, gabapentin is controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 as a class C substance and scheduled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 as schedule 3 (as of 1 April 2019).
February 2016: This guideline amalgamates new guidance on the assessment and management of motor neurone disease (MND) with NICE guideline CG105 (published July 2010), and replaces it.
New recommendations have been added in a number of areas, including recognition and referral, information and support at diagnosis, cognitive assessments, prognostic factors, psychosocial and social support, organisation of care, planning for end of life care, and managing symptoms.
Recommendations are marked as [2016] if the evidence has been reviewed and the recommendation has been added or updated.
Where recommendations end [2010], the evidence has not been reviewed since the original guideline.
Where recommendations end [2010, amended 2016], the evidence has not been reviewed but changes have been made to the recommendations to refer to updated legislation or for consistency with new guideline recommendations.
Minor changes since publication
September 2024: We added links to relevant technology appraisal guidance in the sections on saliva problems and disease-modifying treatment. This is to provide easy access to relevant guidance at the right point in the guideline only and is not a change in practice.
October 2022: We added text to indicate that pulse oximetry may be less reliable in people with dark skin. We also added a link to the NHS patient safety alert on the risk of harm from inappropriate placement of pulse oximeter probes. See recommendation 1.15.8.
August 2020: We have linked to the NICE guideline on supporting adult carers in recommendations 1.2.9 and 1.6.3. We have incorporated footnotes into the recommendations in line with accessibility requirements.
October 2019: Some footnotes were amended to reflect a change in marketing authorisation status for botulinum neurotoxin type A preparations.
ISBN: 978-1-4731-1690-0