Ensure local communities, community and voluntary sector organisations and statutory services work together to plan, design, develop, deliver and evaluate health and wellbeing initiatives (see the section on developing collaborations and partnerships to meet local needs and priorities and the section on involving people in peer and lay roles to represent local needs and priorities). Do this by:
Using evidence‑based approaches to community engagement (see collaborations and partnerships and peer and lay roles).
Being clear about which decisions people in local communities can influence and how this will happen.
Recognising, valuing and sharing the knowledge, skills and experiences of all partners, particularly those from the local community (see the section on learning and training).
Making each partner's goals for community engagement clear.
Respecting the rights of local communities to get involved as much or as little as they are able or wish to.
Establishing and promoting social networks and the exchange of information and ideas (on issues such as different cultural priorities and values).