Oral health - in nursing and residential care: call for evidence
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has been asked by the Department of Health (DH) to develop public health guidance on Oral health – in residential and nursing care
Cardiff University has been contracted to conduct three reviews looking at effectiveness, best practice and barriers/facilitators.
The final scope for this guidance can be found here
We would like to receive details of evidence relating to the questions below and as outlined in the scope.
Question 1: What approaches, activities or interventions are effective in promoting oral health, preventing dental problems and ensuring access to dental care (including regular check-ups) for adults in care homes?
Question 2: What methods and sources of information will help care home managers and their staff identify and meet the range of oral health needs and problems experienced by people living in care homes?
Question 3: What helps and hinders oral health promotion, prevents dental problems and ensures access to dental check-ups and treatment in care homes?
This call for evidence is taking place between 29 October 2014 and 24 November 2014
Please use the relevant form from the website (see below for the published evidence form or the unpublished evidence form) and send any comments by 5pm on 24 November at the absolute latest to Fiona Morgan, Cardiff University (morganf1@cardiff.ac.uk).
Please note that the following material is not eligible for consideration:
- Promotional material.
- Undocumented assertions of effectiveness.
- Opinion pieces
- Forms with attachments of published material, or hard copy of published material
Instructions for Published material
Please send full reference details (which are to include author/s, title, date, journal or publication details including volume and issue number and page numbers) - NOT a PDF/WORD attachment or hard copy - using this form by 5pm on 24 November 2014 to Fiona Morgan, Cardiff University (morganf1@cardiff.ac.uk).
Oral Health in Residential and Nursing Care: call for evidence - stakeholder response form (published material)
Instructions for Unpublished material
If you are aware of ongoing research programmes or trials relevant to our questions which are in progress please could you help us to identify that information by providing relevant information such as a link to a trial registered with the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Clinical Trials), or with the US National Institute of Health trials registry. Please use this form by 5pm on 24 November 2014 at Fiona Morgan, Cardiff University (morganf1@cardiff.ac.uk).
Oral Health in Residential and Nursing Care: call for evidence - stakeholder response form (unpublished material)
Academic or commercial in-confidence material
If you wish to submit academic in confidence material (i.e. written but not yet published) or commercial in confidence material (i.e. internal documentation), please could you highlight which sections are confidential, for example by using the highlighter function in Word. Such content will not be made public. Please refer to section 4.4 of the Process guide for further information on submissions of confidential material. Please send any relevant information by 5pm on 24 November 2014 to Fiona Morgan, Cardiff University (morganf1@cardiff.ac.uk).
For further information on the project, please visit our website
We look forward to receiving information on this and thank you in advance for your help.
This page was last updated: 28 October 2014