A list of downloadable documents created during development.
Stakeholder list updated
Surveillance consultation
Committee list updated
Equality and health inequalities assessment
Consultation comments published
Draft guidance consultation
Pre-consultation documents released
Committee meetings
Committee meeting
Minutes from meetings 5&6: 09&10 September 2015 (PDF 192 KB)
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: guideline development and evidence search
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: the scope
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: the scope
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: final scope (PDF 132 KB)
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: consultation on the draft scope information
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: draft scope for consultation (PDF 132 KB)
Oral health - in nursing and residential care: scope consultation comments table (PDF 1.07 MB)