
People have the right to be involved in discussions and make informed decisions about their care, as described in NICE's information on making decisions about your care.

Making decisions using NICE guidelines explains how we use words to show the strength (or certainty) of our recommendations, and has information about prescribing medicines (including off-label use), professional guidelines, standards and laws (including on consent and mental capacity), and safeguarding.

1.1 Offering and recommending HIV testing in different settings

Local prevalence

Specialist sexual health services (including genitourinary medicine)


Offer and recommend an HIV test to everyone who attends for testing or treatment. [2011, amended 2016]

Secondary and emergency care


Routinely offer and recommend an HIV test to everyone attending their first appointment (followed by repeat testing in line with recommendation 1.2.6) at drug dependency programmes, termination of pregnancy services, and services providing treatment for:

  • hepatitis B

  • hepatitis C

  • lymphoma

  • tuberculosis.

    Antenatal HIV testing is covered by the UK National Screening Committee and is outside the remit of this guideline. [2011, amended 2016]


In all areas, offer and recommend HIV testing on admission to hospital, including emergency departments, to everyone who has not previously been diagnosed with HIV and who:

  • has symptoms that may indicate HIV or HIV is part of the differential diagnosis (for example, infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome), in line with HIV in Europe's HIV in indicator conditions

  • is known to be from a country or group with a high rate of HIV infection (see recommendation 1.1.1)

  • if male, discloses that they have sex with men, or is known to have sex with men, and has not had an HIV test in the previous year

  • is a trans woman who has sex with men and has not had an HIV test in the previous year

  • reports sexual contact (either abroad or in the UK) with someone from a country with a high rate of HIV

  • discloses high-risk sexual practices, for example the practice known as 'chemsex'

  • is diagnosed with, or requests testing for, a sexually transmitted infection

  • reports a history of injecting drug use

  • discloses that they are the sexual partner of someone known to be HIV positive, or of someone at high risk of HIV (for example, female sexual contacts of men who have sex with men). [2011, amended 2016]


In areas of high and extremely high prevalence, also offer and recommend HIV testing on admission to hospital, including emergency departments, to everyone who has not previously been diagnosed with HIV and who is undergoing blood tests for another reason. [new 2016]


Additionally, in areas of extremely high prevalence, offer and recommend HIV testing on admission to hospital, including emergency departments, to everyone who has not previously been diagnosed with HIV. [new 2016]

GP surgeries


In all areas, offer and recommend HIV testing to everyone who has not previously been diagnosed with HIV and who:

  • has symptoms that may indicate HIV or HIV is part of the differential diagnosis (for example, infectious mononucleosis-like syndrome), in line with HIV in Europe's HIV in indicator conditions

  • is known to be from a country or group with a high rate of HIV infection (see recommendation 1.1.1)

  • if male, discloses that they have sex with men, or is known to have sex with men, and has not had an HIV test in the previous year

  • is a trans woman who has sex with men and has not had an HIV test in the previous year

  • reports sexual contact (either abroad or in the UK) with someone from a country with a high rate of HIV

  • discloses high-risk sexual practices, for example the practice known as 'chemsex'

  • is diagnosed with, or requests testing for, a sexually transmitted infection

  • reports a history of injecting drug use

  • discloses that they are the sexual partner of someone known to be HIV positive, or of someone at high risk of HIV (for example, female sexual contacts of men who have sex with men). [2011, amended 2016]


In areas of high and extremely high prevalence, also offer and recommend HIV testing to everyone who has not previously been diagnosed with HIV and who:

  • registers with the practice or

  • is undergoing blood tests for another reason and has not had an HIV test in the previous year. [new 2016]


Additionally, in areas of extremely high prevalence, consider HIV testing opportunistically at each consultation (whether bloods are being taken for another reason or not), based on clinical judgement. [new 2016]


Offer and recommend repeat testing to the people in recommendations 1.1.8 and 1.1.9 in line with recommendation 1.2.6. [new 2016]


If a venous blood sample is declined, offer a less invasive form of specimen collection, such as a mouth swab or finger-prick. [2011, amended 2016]


Community settings


Providers of community testing services (including outreach and detached services) should set up testing services in:

  • areas with a high prevalence or extremely high prevalence of HIV, using venues such as pharmacies or voluntary sector premises (for example, those of faith groups)

  • venues where there may be high-risk sexual behaviour, for example public sex environments, or where people at high risk may gather, such as nightclubs, saunas and festivals. [2011, amended 2016]


Recognise that not all community settings are appropriate for providing testing services, for example because tests should be undertaken in a secluded or private area (in line with British HIV Association guidelines). [2011, amended 2016]


Ensure that people who decline or are unable to consent to a test are offered information about other local testing services, including self-sampling. See making decisions using NICE guidelines for more information about consent. [2011, amended 2016]


Ensure that lay testers delivering tests are competent to do so and have access to clinical advice and supervision. [2011, amended 2016]

1.2 Increasing opportunities for HIV testing

Point-of-care testing


Offer point-of-care testing (POCT) in situations where it would be difficult to give people their results, for example if they are unwilling to leave contact details. [new 2016]


Explain to people at the time of their test about the specificity and sensitivity of the POCT being used and that confirmatory serological testing will be needed if the test is reactive. [2011, amended 2016]



Ensure that people know how to get their own self-sampling kits, for example, by providing details of websites to order them from. [new 2016]

Repeat testing


When giving results to people who have tested negative but who may have been exposed to HIV recently, recommend that they have another test once they are past the window period. [2011, amended 2016]


Recommend annual testing to people in groups or communities with a high rate of HIV, and more frequently if they are at high risk of exposure (in line with Public Health England's HIV in the UK: situation report 2015). For example:

  • men who have sex with men should have HIV and sexually transmitted infection tests at least annually, and every 3 months if they are having unprotected sex with new or casual partners

  • black African men and women should have an HIV test and regular HIV and sexually transmitted infection tests if having unprotected sex with new or casual partners. [2011, amended 2016]


Consider the following interventions to promote repeat testing:

  • Call–recall methods using letters or other media, such as text messages or email, to remind people to return for annual testing.

  • Electronic reminders in health records systems to prompt healthcare professionals to identify the need for testing during appointments and offer it if needed. [new 2016]

People who decline a test


If people choose not to take up the immediate offer of a test, tell them about nearby testing services and how to get self-sampling kits. [2011, amended 2016]

Partners of people who test positive


Partners of people who test positive should receive a prompt offer and recommendation of an HIV test through partner notification procedures. [new 2016]

1.3 Promoting awareness and uptake of HIV testing



Provide promotional material tailored to the needs of local communities. It should:

  • provide information about HIV infection and transmission, the benefits of HIV testing and the availability of treatment

  • emphasise that early diagnosis is not only a route into treatment and a way to avoid complications and reduce serious illness in the future, but also reduces onward transmission

  • detail how and where to access local HIV testing services, including services offering POCT and self-sampling, and sexual health clinics

  • dispel common misconceptions about HIV diagnosis and treatment

  • present testing as a responsible act by focusing on trigger points, such as the beginning of a new relationship or change of sexual partner, or on the benefits of knowing one's HIV status

  • address the needs of non-English-speaking groups, for example, through translated and culturally sensitive information. [2011, amended 2016]


Ensure interventions to increase the uptake of HIV testing are hosted by, or advertised at, venues that encourage or facilitate sex (such as some saunas, websites, or geospatial apps that allow people to find sexual partners in their proximity). This should be in addition to general community-based HIV health promotion. [2011, amended 2016]


Promote HIV testing when delivering sexual health promotion and HIV prevention interventions. This can be carried out in person (using printed publications such as leaflets, booklets and posters) or through electronic media. [2011]


Ensure health promotion material aims to reduce the stigma associated with HIV testing and living with HIV, both among communities and among healthcare professionals. [2011, amended 2016]


Ensure health promotion material provides up-to-date information on the different kinds of HIV tests available. It should also highlight the significantly reduced window period resulting from the introduction of newer tests such as fourth-generation serological testing. [2011, amended 2016]

Methods of raising awareness


Use or modify existing resources, for example TV screens in GP surgeries, to help raise awareness of where HIV testing (including self-sampling) is available (for content see recommendations 1.3.1 and 1.3.2). [new 2016]


Consider a range of approaches to promote HIV testing, including:

  • local media campaigns

  • digital media, such as educational videos

  • social media, such as online social networking, dating and geospatial apps

  • printed materials, such as information leaflets. [new 2016]

1.4 Reducing barriers to HIV testing


Advertise HIV testing in settings that offer it (for example, using posters in GP surgeries) and make people aware that healthcare professionals welcome the opportunity to discuss HIV testing. [new 2016]


Staff offering HIV tests should:

  • Emphasise that the tests are confidential. If people remain concerned about confidentiality, explain that they can visit a sexual health clinic anonymously.

  • Be able to discuss HIV symptoms and the implications of a positive or a negative test.

  • Be familiar with existing referral pathways so that people who test positive receive prompt and appropriate support.

  • Provide appropriate information to people who test negative, including details of where to get free condoms and how to access local behavioural and preventive interventions.

  • Recognise and be sensitive to the cultural issues facing different groups (for example, some groups or communities may be less used to preventive health services and advice, or may fear isolation and social exclusion if they test positive for HIV).

  • Be able to challenge stigmas and dispel misconceptions surrounding HIV and HIV testing and be sensitive to people's needs.

  • Be able to recognise the symptoms that may signify primary HIV infection or illnesses that often coexist with HIV. In such cases, they should be able to offer and recommend an HIV test. [2011, amended 2016]


Ensure practitioners delivering HIV tests (including those delivering outreach POCT) have clear referral pathways available for people with both positive and negative test results, including to sexual health services, behavioural and health promotion services, HIV services and confirmatory serological testing, if needed. These pathways should ensure the following:

  • People who test positive are seen by an HIV specialist preferably within 48 hours, certainly within 2 weeks of receiving the result (in line with UK national guidelines for HIV testing). They should also be given information about their diagnosis and local support groups.

  • Practitioners in the voluntary or statutory sector can refer people from HIV prevention and health promotion services into services that offer HIV testing and vice versa. [2011, amended 2016]

Terms used in this guideline


This term is commonly used to describe sex between men that occurs under the influence of drugs taken immediately before and/or during the sexual session. The drugs most commonly associated with chemsex are crystal methamphetamine, GHB/GBL, mephedrone and, to a lesser extent, cocaine and ketamine.

Extremely high prevalence

Local authorities with a diagnosed HIV prevalence of 5 or more per 1,000 people aged 15 to 59 years (based on modelling of diagnosed HIV prevalence distribution in local authorities in England; see Public Health England's sexual and reproductive health profiles).

Fourth-generation serological testing

Fourth-generation tests detect HIV antibodies and p24 antigen simultaneously. This means they have the advantage of reducing the time between infection and testing HIV positive to about 1 month.

High prevalence

Local authorities with a diagnosed HIV prevalence of between 2 and 5 per 1,000 people aged 15 to 59 years (based on modelling of diagnosed HIV prevalence distribution in local authorities in England; see Public Health England's sexual and reproductive health profiles).

Lay tester

A non-clinical practitioner who has been trained to carry out HIV tests.

Point-of-care testing

Point-of-care tests (POCT) or 'rapid' tests are a common way to test for HIV. They are easy to use when an alternative to venepuncture is preferable, for example outside conventional healthcare settings and if it is important to avoid a delay in obtaining a result. However, they have reduced specificity and sensitivity compared with fourth-generation laboratory tests. This means there will be false positives, particularly in areas with lower HIV prevalence, and all positive results need to be confirmed by serological tests.

Public sex environments

Public sex environments are public areas where people go to engage in consensual sexual contact (both same sex and opposite sex).


Self-sampling HIV kits allow people to collect their own sample of blood or saliva and send it by post for testing. They usually receive negative results by text message.


Self-testing kits allow people to perform their own HIV test in a place of their own choosing and get an immediate result (typically within 15 to 20 minutes).

Window period

The window period is the time between potential exposure to HIV infection and when a test will give an accurate result. The window period is 1 month for a fourth-generation test and 3 months for older tests.