Appendix E: Supporting documents

Supporting documents include the following.

  • Reviews of effectiveness:

    • Review 1: 'The effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions to reduce the rates of premature death in disadvantaged areas through proactive case finding, retention and access to services'.

    • Review 2: 'The use of statins: proactive case finding, retention and improving access to services in disadvantaged areas'.

  • Mapping review: 'Guidance for the NHS and other sectors on interventions that reduce the rates of premature death in disadvantaged areas: proactive case finding and retention and improving access to services'.

  • Economic appraisal:

    • 'Rapid review of economic evidence of interventions to reduce the rate of premature death in the most disadvantaged populations'.

    • 'Economic analysis of interventions to improve the use of statins interventions in the general population'.

    • 'Economic analysis of interventions to improve the use of statins in disadvantaged populations'.

    • 'Economic analysis of interventions to improve the use of smoking cessation interventions in the general population'.

    • 'Economic analysis of interventions to improve the use of smoking cessation interventions in disadvantaged populations'.

    • 'Supplementary economic analysis on interventions to reduce health inequalities'.

  • Fieldwork report: 'Reducing the rate of premature deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other smoking-related diseases: finding and supporting those most at risk and improving access to services'.