Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Appendix A: Membership of the Programme Development Group (PDG), the NICE project team and external contractors

Programme Development Group

PDG membership is multidisciplinary, comprising public health practitioners, clinicians (both specialists and generalists), local authority officers, teachers, social care professionals, representatives of the public, patients, carers, academics and technical experts as follows.

Pamela Ashton Community Member

Andrew Briggs Professor of Health Policy and Economic Evaluation, University of Glasgow

Simon Capewell (Vice Chair) Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University of Liverpool; Honorary Consultant in Public Health, Liverpool PCTs

Francesco Cappuccio Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine and Epidemiology, Clinical Sciences Research Institute, University of Warwick Medical School; Honorary Consultant Physician, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry

Martin Caraher Professor in Food and Health Policy, Centre for Food Policy, City University

Charlie Foster Senior Researcher, British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group, University of Oxford

Paramjit Gill GP and Clinical Reader in Primary Care Research, Primary Care Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham; Honorary Consultant in Primary Care, Heart of Birmingham Teaching PCT

Robin Ireland Chief Executive, Heart of Mersey

Paul Lincoln Chief Executive, National Heart Forum

Klim McPherson (Chair) Visiting Professor of Public Health Epidemiology, University of Oxford

Madeleine Murtagh Reader, Applied Social Science in Public Health and Social Care, Medical and Social Care Education, University of Leicester

Margaret O'Mara Community Member (attended meetings 1 to 3 only)

Kiran Patel Consultant Cardiologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Birmingham, Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust

Suzannah Power Community Member

Ian Reekie Community Member

Sian Robinson Principal Research Fellow, Medical Research Council Epidemiology Resource Centre, University of Southampton

John Soady Public Health Principal, Directorate of Public Health, NHS Sheffield

Margaret Thorogood Professor of Epidemiology, Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick

Valerie Woodward Senior Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton

NICE project team

Mike Kelly CPHE Director

Jane Huntley Associate Director

Catherine Swann Associate Director

Hugo Crombie Lead Analyst

Andrew Hoy Analyst

Patti White Analyst

Susan Murray Analyst

Lorraine Taylor Analyst

Caroline Mulvihill Analyst

Bhash Naidoo Technical Adviser Health Economics

Alastair Fischer Technical Adviser Health Economics

Sue Jelley Senior Editor

Alison Lake Editor

External contractors

Evidence reviews

Review 1: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level (Question 1; phase 1) was carried out by the West Midlands Health Technology Assessment Collaboration (WMHTAC), University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Mary Pennant, Wendy Greenheld, Anne Fry-Smith, Sue Bayliss, Clare Davenport and Chris Hyde.

Review 2: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level (Question 1; phase 2) was carried out by WMHTAC, University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Mary Pennant, Wendy Greenheld, Anne Fry-Smith, Sue Bayliss, Clare Davenport and Chris Hyde.

Review 3: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level (Question 1; phase 3) was carried out by WMHTAC, University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Mary Pennant, Wendy Greenheld, Anne Fry-Smith, Sue Bayliss, Clare Davenport and Chris Hyde.

Review 4: Barriers to, and facilitators for, the effectiveness of multiple risk factor programmes aimed at reducing cardiovascular disease within a given population: a systematic review of qualitative research was carried out by the Peninsula Technology Assessment Group at the Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth. The principal authors were: Ruth Garside, Mark Pearson, Kate Ashton, Tiffany Moxham and Rob Anderson.

Primary research

Review 5: Population and community programmes addressing multiple risk factors to prevent cardiovascular disease: A qualitative study into how and why some programmes are more successful than others was carried out by the Peninsula Technology Assessment Group at the Peninsula Medical School, Universities of Exeter and Plymouth. The principal authors were: Ruth Garside, Mark Pearson, Tiffany Moxham, and Rob Anderson.

Economic analysis

Review 6: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level (Question 1; cost-effectiveness) was carried out by WMHTAC, University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Lazaros Andronis, Pelham Barton, Sue Bayliss and Chris Hyde.

Modelling report: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level: modelling strategies for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease was carried out by WMHTAC, University of Birmingham. The principal authors were: Pelham Barton and Lazaros Andronis.


Fieldwork on prevention of cardiovascular disease at population level was carried out by Greenstreet Berman.

Expert testimony

Report 1: The effectiveness of physical activity promotion interventions was carried out by Charlie Foster and Nick Cavill, British Heart Foundation Health Promotion Research Group.

Report 2: Health policy analysis was carried out by Mark Exworthy, School of Management, Royal Holloway University of London.

Report 3: Expert testimony on salt and cardiovascular disease was carried out by Francesco Cappuccio, Clinical Sciences Research Institute, University of Warwick Medical School.

Report 4: The relationship between commercial interests and risk of cardiovascular disease was carried out by Jane Landon, National Heart Forum.

Report 5: Regional development of a population-based collaborative CVD prevention strategy: the experience of NHS West Midlands was carried out by Kiran Patel, University of Birmingham and West Midlands Strategic Health Authority.

Report 6: NICE guidance on the prevention of CVD at population level: evidence from the Co-operative Group was carried out by Cathryn Higgs, the Co-operative Group.

Report 7: Population and community programmes addressing multiple risk factors to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD): addendum to qualitative study produced by Peninsula Technology Assessment Group for NICE: CVD programme – Heart of Mersey (HoM) was carried out by Robin Ireland, Heart of Mersey.

Report 8: Expert testimony paper on the independent evaluation of 'have a heart Paisley' phase one (Scotland's national CHD prevention demonstration project) was carried out by Avril Blamey, Avril Blamey and Associates.

Report 9: Expert testimony on the public health harm caused by industrially produced trans fatty acids and actions to reduce and eliminate them from the food system in the UK was carried out by Paul Lincoln, National Heart Forum.

Report 10: Prevention of cardiovascular disease at a population level: evidence on interventions to address dietary fats was carried out by Modi Mwatsama, Heart of Mersey.

Report 11: CVD risk factors: paradigms and pathways was carried out by Simon Capewell, University of Liverpool.

Report 12: CVD prevention in populations: lessons from other countries was carried out by Simon Capewell, University of Liverpool.

Report 13: Will CVD prevention widen health inequalities? was carried out by Simon Capewell, University of Liverpool.

Report 14: Food manufacturer's perspective was carried out by Frances Swallow and Nicola Currie, Greencore.