Appendix E: Supporting documents
Appendix E: Supporting documents
Supporting documents are available. These include:
Evidence reviews:
Review 1: 'Current practice and innovative approaches to prevent childhood unintentional injuries: An overview and synthesis of international comparative analyses and surveys of injury prevention policies, legislation and other activities'
Review 2: 'A systematic review of risk factors for unintentional injuries among children and young people aged under 15 years'
Review 3: 'An overview and synthesis of evidence relating to strategies and frameworks for planning, implementing, enforcing or promoting activities to prevent unintentional injury to children and young people on the road: legislation, regulation, standards and related strategies focusing on the design and modification of highways, roads or streets'
Review 4: 'Strategic and regulatory frameworks for guiding, enforcing or promoting activities to prevent unintentional injury in children and young people in the home environment'
Review 5: 'Strategies, policies and regulatory or legal frameworks and/or mass media campaigns to prevent unintentional injury to children during play and leisure in the external environment'.
Review 6: 'Systematic review to provide an overview of published economic evaluations of relevant legislation, regulations, standards, and/or their enforcement and promotion by mass media'.
Economic analysis: 'Economic modelling of legislation/regulations and related national strategies to promote the wider use of: 20mph zones in residential areas, and thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) in social housing for families'.
Expert testimony:
Expert testimony 1: 'Child road safety' (including 'Child casualties in road accidents: 2007. Road accidents factsheet number 5 [2009]' [Department for Transport])
Expert testimony 2: 'Preventing unintentional injuries among under-15s'
Expert testimony 3: 'Inequities in child injuries'
Expert testimony 4: 'Legislating for Health'
Expert testimony 5: 'Cycle helmets – epidemiology and effectiveness'
Expert testimony 6: 'Monitoring and surveillance issues – A&E pilot'.
Fieldwork report: 'Strategies to prevent unintentional injury among under-15s'.
For information on how NICE public health guidance is developed see:
Methods for development of NICE public health guidance (second edition, 2009)'
The NICE public health guidance development process: An overview for stakeholders including public health practitioners, policy makers and the public (second edition, 2009).