Introduction: scope and purpose of this guidance

What is this guidance about?

This guidance aims to ensure more people at increased risk of hepatitis B and C infection are tested.

The recommendations cover:

  • Awareness-raising among:

    • the general population

    • people at increased risk of hepatitis B and C infection.

  • Developing the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals and others providing services for people at increased risk of hepatitis B or C infection.

  • Testing:

  • Contact tracing.

  • Providing and auditing neonatal hepatitis B vaccination.

  • Commissioning hepatitis B and C testing and treatment services.

  • Laboratory services for hepatitis B and C testing.

This guidance does not provide detail on treatments for hepatitis B or C. (For treatment recommendations see NICE's topic page on hepatitis.)

Who is this guidance for?

The guidance is for:

  • Commissioners and providers of public health services, hepatitis testing and treatment services and laboratory services for hepatitis B and C testing.

  • Local organisations providing services for children and adults at increased risk of hepatitis B and C infection, including those in the NHS, local authorities, prisons, immigration removal centres and drugs services. It is also for voluntary sector and community organisations working with people at increased risk.

The guidance may also be of interest to groups at increased risk of viral hepatitis, for example, migrant populations from countries with an intermediate or high prevalence of hepatitis B or hepatitis C infection or people who inject drugs and their families. In addition, other members of the public may have an interest in this guidance.