Recommendations for research
The Public Health Interventions Advisory Committee (PHIAC) recommends that the following research questions should be addressed. It notes that 'effectiveness' in this context relates not only to the size of the effect, but also to cost effectiveness and duration of effect. It also takes into account any harmful/negative side effects.
Where questions relate to the impact on physical activity, ideally this should be measured objectively as well as using self-reporting.
Where relevant, studies to answer the questions below should report the differential effectiveness according to, for example: gender, socioeconomic status, age and disability.
Key recommendations for research
1 Duration and frequency of brief advice
How does the duration and frequency of brief advice influence its effectiveness and cost effectiveness? For example, do 'micro interventions' of less than 1 to 2 minutes have an impact on physical activity?
2 Impact on mental wellbeing
What impact does brief advice to promote physical activity have on mental wellbeing?
3 Advice from different primary care providers
What impact does the delivery of brief advice by different primary care practitioners – for example, GPs and practice nurses – have on physical activity? For example, is the perceived value of the information greater when provided by a particular primary care practitioner?
4 Training for primary care professionals
How do different types of training help primary care professionals identify people who are inactive and deliver brief advice? What type of training is most effective?
5 Advice for specific groups
How can brief advice be tailored to have the greatest impact on specific groups? For example, can it be tailored to meet the needs of people of a particular gender, socioeconomic status or with a particular disability?
Other recommendations for research
6 Use of NICE guidance
Do primary care practitioners use NICE guidance when encouraging people to be physically active?
7 Department of Health resources
Are the Department of Health's 'Let's get moving' physical activity care pathway and the general practice physical activity questionnaire (GPPAQ) both commonly used in primary care? How do primary care practitioners view GPPAQ and, if they do not use it, why not?
8 Infrastructure and systems
What infrastructures and systems help increase the number of assessments of physical activity undertaken and the delivery of brief advice? (Examples studied could include integration of brief advice into long-term disease management strategies, or the use of incentive strategies.)
More detail identified during development of this guidance is provided in gaps in the evidence.