Membership of the Public Health Advisory Committee and the NICE project team

Membership of the Public Health Advisory Committee and the NICE project team

Public Health Advisory Committee A

NICE has set up several Public Health Advisory Committees (PHACs). These standing committees consider the evidence and develop public health guidelines. Membership is multidisciplinary, comprising academics, public health practitioners, topic experts and members of the public. They may come from the NHS, education, social care, environmental health, local government or the voluntary sector. The following are members of PHAC A:

Susan Jebb (Chair)
Professor of Diet and Population Health, Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford

Core members

Mireia Jofre Bonet
Professor of Health Economics, City University, London

Alison Lloyd
Community Member

Chris Packham
Associate Medical Director, Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Toby Prevost
Professor of Medical Statistics, King's College, London

Joyce Rothschild
Independent Education Consultant

Amanda Sowden
Deputy Director, National Institute for Health Research Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York

Lucy Yardley
Professor of Health Psychology, University of Southampton

Topic members

Adrian Martineau
Professor of Respiratory Infection and Immunity, Queen Mary University, London

Eleanor McGee
Public Health Nutrition Lead, Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Colin Michie
Consultant Paediatrician, Ealing Hospital NHS Trust, London

Judy More
Freelance Paediatric Dietitian and Honorary Lecturer, School of Health Professions, Plymouth University

Frances Quinn
Community Member

Expert testimony to PHAC

Gillian Swan, Diet and Obesity Branch, Public Health England

NICE project team

Mike Kelly
CPH Director

Jane Huntley
Associate Director

Adrienne Cullum
Lead Analyst

Caroline Mulvihill

Alastair Fischer
Technical Adviser Health Economics

Victoria Axe
Project Manager (up to June 2014)

Rupert Franklin
Project Manager (from June 2014)

Rukshana Begum

Sue Jelley
Senior Editor

Susie Burlace