Quality statements
Statement 1 People aged over 35 years who present with a risk factor and 1 or more symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have post‑bronchodilator spirometry. [2011, updated 2016]
Statement 2 People with COPD who are prescribed an inhaler have their inhaler technique assessed when starting or changing treatment and then at least annually during treatment. [2011, updated 2023]
Statement 3 People with stable COPD and a persistent resting stable oxygen saturation level of 92% or less have their arterial blood gases measured to assess whether they need long‑term oxygen therapy (LTOT). [2011, updated 2016]
Statement 4 People with stable COPD and a score of 3 or above on the Medical Research Council (MRC) dyspnoea scale are referred to a pulmonary rehabilitation programme. [2011, updated 2023]
Statement 5 This statement has been removed and pulmonary rehabilitation after an acute exacerbation is now covered in statement 8. For more details, see update information.
Statement 6 People receiving emergency oxygen for an acute exacerbation of COPD have their oxygen saturation levels maintained between 88% and 92%. [2016]
Statement 7 People with an acute exacerbation of COPD and persistent acidotic hypercapnic ventilatory failure that is not improving after 1 hour of optimal medical therapy have non‑invasive ventilation. [2011, updated 2016]
Statement 8 People discharged from hospital after an acute exacerbation of COPD receive a hospital discharge care bundle. [new 2023]
In 2023, this quality standard was updated and statements prioritised in 2011 and 2016 were updated (2011, updated 2016 or 2023), unchanged (2016) or replaced (new 2023). For more information, see update information.
The previous version of the quality standard for COPD is available as a PDF.