Quality statement 3: Recording information

Quality statement

People prescribed an antimicrobial have the clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment documented in their clinical record.


Recording in patients' records the clinical indication (that is, the results of clinical assessment, symptoms and diagnosis) for an antimicrobial, and the prescribed dose and duration of treatment, allows better management during follow-up of care and transfer of care to another setting. It also supports monitoring of prescribing practice and identification of appropriate and inappropriate prescribing in all settings.

Quality measures

The following measures can be used to assess the quality of care or service provision specified in the statement. They are examples of how the statement can be measured, and can be adapted and used flexibly.


Evidence of local arrangements and processes to ensure that all prescribers document the clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment in patients' records when prescribing an antimicrobial.

Data source: Local data collection.


Proportion of prescriptions for antimicrobials with the clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment documented.

Numerator – the number in the denominator with the clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment documented.

Denominator – the number of prescriptions for antimicrobials.

Data source: Local data collection, Public Health England Start smart then focus toolkit and Royal College of General Practitioners TARGET antibiotics toolkit.


Antimicrobial prescribing rates.

Data source: Local data collection.

What the quality statement means for different audiences

Service providers (such as hospitals, walk‑in centres, GP practices, health centres, dental care providers, pharmacies, community services) monitor standards of record‑keeping to check that clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment are documented when antimicrobials are prescribed.

Prescribers document in patients' clinical records the clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment when they prescribe antimicrobials.

Commissioners ensure that services monitor standards of record‑keeping to check that clinical indication, dose and duration of treatment are documented when antimicrobials are prescribed.

People who are prescribed an antimicrobial have the reason recorded in their medical record, as well as how long they should take the antimicrobial and the dose.