Tools and resources Tools to help you put the guidance into practice. Implementation support Measuring the use of NICE guidance: NICEimpact children and young people’s healthcare How to use quality standards Implementation resources - Transition from children’s to adults’ services for young people using health or social care services Implementation resources - Disabled children and young people up to 25 with severe complex needs: integrated service delivery and organisation across health, social care and education Education Vlog: 5 key points to help young people succeed in moving from child to adult services (NICE/SCIE July 2019) Podcast: Improving mental health transitions for young people (NICE/SCIE May 2019) Quick guide: Building independence through planning for transition - for practitioners supporting young people Audit and service improvement Quality standard service improvement template Excel 1.18 MB 05 February 2025 Guidance into practice About the Into practice guide Practical steps to improving the quality of care and services using NICE guidance