Quality statements

Statement 1 People in contact with mental health services who have been violent or aggressive are supported to identify triggers and early warning signs for these behaviours.

Statement 2 People in contact with mental health services who have been violent or aggressive are supported to identify successful de-escalation techniques and make advance statements about the use of restrictive interventions.

Statement 3 People with a mental health problem who are manually restrained have their physical health monitored during and after restraint.

Statement 4 People with a mental health problem who are given rapid tranquillisation have side effects, vital signs, hydration level and consciousness monitored after the intervention.

Statement 5 People with a mental health problem who experience restraint, rapid tranquillisation or seclusion are involved in an immediate post-incident debrief.

NICE has developed guidance and quality standards on patient experience in adult NHS services and service user experience in adult mental health services (see the NICE Pathways on patient experience in adult NHS services and service user experience in adult mental health services), which should be considered alongside these quality statements.

Other quality standards that should be considered when commissioning or providing services where violence and aggression is likely to occur include:

A full list of NICE quality standards is available from the quality standards topic library.