Quality statements

Statement 1 Adults presenting at an accident and emergency (A&E) department with suspected stroke are admitted to a specialist acute stroke unit within 4 hours of arrival. [2010, updated 2016]

Statement 2 Adults having stroke rehabilitation in hospital or in the community are offered at least 3 hours of rehabilitation covering a range of multidisciplinary therapy for a minimum of 5 days a week. [2010, updated 2016]

Statement 3 Adults who have had a stroke have access to a clinical psychologist or a clinical neuropsychologist with expertise in stroke rehabilitation who is part of the core multidisciplinary stroke rehabilitation team. [new 2016]

Statement 4 Adults who have had a stroke are offered early supported discharge if the core multidisciplinary stroke team assess that it is suitable for them. [new 2016]

Statement 5 Adults who have had a stroke are offered active management to return to work if they wish to do so. [new 2016]

Statement 6 Adults who have had a stroke have their rehabilitation goals reviewed at regular intervals. [2010, updated 2016]

Statement 7 Adults who have had a stroke have a structured health and social care review at 6 months and 1 year after the stroke, and then annually. [new 2016]

In 2016, this quality standard was updated, and statements prioritised in 2010 were updated (2010, updated 2016) or replaced (new 2016). For more information, see update information.

The previous version of the quality standard for stroke in adults is available as a pdf.