Quality statement 4: Multidisciplinary team

Quality statement

People with stable angina who have had coronary angiography have their treatment options discussed by a multidisciplinary team if there is left main stem disease, anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

Quality measures

The following measures can be used to assess the quality of care or service provision specified in the statement. They are examples of how the statement can be measured, and can be adapted and used flexibly.


Evidence of local arrangements to provide a multidisciplinary team to discuss the risks and benefits of continuing drug treatment or revascularisation strategy for people with stable angina.

Data source: Local data collection.


Proportion of people with stable angina who have had coronary angiography who have their treatment options discussed by a multidisciplinary team if there is left main stem disease, anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

Numerator – the number of people in the denominator who have their treatment options discussed by a multidisciplinary team.

Denominator – the number of people with stable angina who have had coronary angiography who have left main stem disease or anatomically complex three-vessel disease, or if there is doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

Data source: Local data collection.

What the quality statement means for different audiences

Service providers ensure a multidisciplinary team discusses the treatment options for people with stable angina who have had coronary angiography if there is left main stem disease, anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

Healthcare professionals ensure people with stable angina who have had coronary angiography have their treatment options discussed by a multidisciplinary team if there is left main stem disease, anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

Commissioners ensure they commission services that provide a multidisciplinary team to discuss the treatment options for people with stable angina who have had coronary angiography, if there is left main stem disease, anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation.

People with stable angina who have had coronary angiography (a procedure to check for narrowed or blocked arteries) have their treatment options discussed by a multidisciplinary team, including a heart surgeon and specialist in heart procedures, if needed.

Source guidance

Stable angina: management. NICE guideline CG126 (2010, updated 2016), recommendation 1.5.8.

Definitions of terms used in the quality statement

Multidisciplinary team

The NICE guideline on stable angina does not describe the composition of the multidisciplinary team but does state that it should include cardiac surgeons and interventional cardiologists.

The criteria for discussion of treatment options by a multidisciplinary team are not limited to left main stem or anatomically complex three-vessel disease or doubt about the best method of revascularisation. These are specific examples used to aid measurability.