Quality statements

Statement 1 People who inject drugs have access to needle and syringe programmes in accordance with NICE guidance.

Statement 2 People in drug treatment are offered a comprehensive assessment.

Statement 3 Families and carers of people with drug use disorders are offered an assessment of their needs.

Statement 4 People accessing drug treatment services are offered testing and referral for treatment for hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV and vaccination for hepatitis B.

Statement 5 People in drug treatment are given information and advice about the following treatment options: harm-reduction, maintenance, detoxification and abstinence.

Statement 6 People in drug treatment are offered appropriate psychosocial interventions by their keyworker.

Statement 7 People in drug treatment are offered support to access services that promote recovery and reintegration including housing, education, employment, personal finance, healthcare and mutual aid.

Statement 8 People in drug treatment are offered appropriate formal psychosocial interventions and/or psychological treatments.

Statement 9 People who have achieved abstinence are offered continued treatment or support for at least 6 months.

Statement 10 People in drug treatment are given information and advice on the NICE eligibility criteria for residential rehabilitative treatment.