
This quality standard covers diagnosing and managing urinary tract infections in adults aged 16 and over. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.

Last reviewed: 15 February 2023

This quality standard was updated and replaced the previous version published in June 2015. The topic was identified for update following the annual review of quality standards. The review identified:

  • updated guidance on urinary tract infection in adults
  • new guidance on antimicrobial prescribing for urinary tract infection.

For more information, see update information.

Using inclusive language in healthcare is important for safety, and to promote equity, respect and effective communication with everyone. This quality standard does not use inclusive language because it is not used in the majority of the source guidance used in its development. However, the statements in this quality standard may also apply to trans people and non-binary people, depending on whether they have a female urinary system or a male genitourinary system. The management of urinary tract infection in trans people will also need to take account of any gender reassignment surgery and whether there has been structural alteration of the urethra. 

NICE has also published a quality standard on urinary tract infection in children and young people.

How to use NICE quality standards and how we develop them

Quality standards help you improve the quality of care you provide or commission. They apply in England and Wales (see the UK government website and Welsh government website). Decisions on how they apply in Scotland and Northern Ireland are made by ministers in the Scottish government and Northern Ireland Executive.

Find out how to use quality standards and how we develop them

Endorsing bodies

This quality standard is endorsed by NHS England as required by the Health and Social Care Act (2012).

Supporting organisations

A number of organisations recognise the benefit of this quality standard in improving care. They work with us to promote it to commissioners and service providers: