4 Implementation


When NICE recommends a treatment as an option for use with managed access, NHS England will make it available according to the conditions in the managed access agreement. This means that, if a patient has relapsed and refractory multiple myeloma and the healthcare professional responsible for their care thinks that elranatamab is the right treatment, it should be available for use, in line with NICE's recommendations and the criteria in the managed access agreement.


Chapter 2 of Appraisal and funding of cancer drugs from July 2016 (including the new Cancer Drugs Fund) – A new deal for patients, taxpayers and industry states that for those drugs with a draft recommendation for use in the Cancer Drugs Fund, interim funding will be available (from the overall Cancer Drugs Fund budget) from the point of marketing authorisation, or from release of positive draft guidance, whichever is later. Drugs that are recommended for use in the Cancer Drugs Fund will be funded in line with the terms of their managed access agreement, after the period of interim funding. The NHS England Cancer Drugs Fund list provides up-to-date information on all cancer treatments recommended by NICE since 2016. This includes whether they have received a marketing authorisation and been launched in the UK.


The Welsh ministers have issued directions to the NHS in Wales on implementing NICE technology appraisal guidance when the drug or treatment, or other technology, is approved for use with managed access. When a NICE technology appraisal guidance recommends the use of a drug or treatment, or other technology, for use with managed access, the NHS in Wales must usually provide funding and resources for it within 2 months of the first publication of the final draft guidance or agreement of a managed access agreement by the NHS in Wales, whichever is the later.